Confessions (clean)

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Serena P.O.V (point of view)

   I open my eyes and look up, "still dark..." I wider sleepily. I look to my right and see Bonnie, still fast asleep. I close my eyes and try to rest, but it's no use. I unzip our tent and step outside. I stretch my whole body and look at the moon, "bright as always!" I say gleefully, but still quietly.
   Looking over at the lake, I see ash and Pikachu. Walking over, I notice how beautiful the lake is at night. The water glistened with the moon's light, the stillness of the water let your attention focus on the other beautiful aspects.

   I tip toe to be as silent as possible, but Pikachu's ears twitch and it turns around, and so does Ash. "Oh, um...Sorry to bother you! I...Couldn't sleep."

   He chuckled and rubs his nose, "ya, me too. Want to sit?"

   A cold spur creeps up my back, should I!? I wouldn't mind the company..."sure." I say shyly. Taking a deep breath I take another glance at the sparkling lake, "beautiful, isn't it?"

  I look over at Ash, his cheeks were red, "y-ya." He turns away, scratching his head.

   A small wave comes up to our toes, "what's wrong?" I could barely hold it in, whenever I get alone time with Ash, something goes wrong. I live him...But does he love me?

   "Well, the heat of getting my next badge is getting to me. I need one more to get into the khalos league."

   I pout, I bet that's not the real reason, but u didn't want to be a burden. "So..."

   Ash lies down, "so? What about you?"

   I tighten up a bit, me? "Well..." My mom always told me to tell the truth, but this? I can't tell him, it would ruin our friendship. I lie down next to him, "well, to be honest, I've been on my journey for awhile now. And I've met a lot of knew people; Clement, Bonnie, you. I'm just so grateful." Tears come to the brim of my eyes, "I just don't know how I could ever repay you guys..."

   Ash sits up and pulls out a kurchief from  his pocket, the same one from when we first met. He lays it on my chest, "don't cry, remember to be strong." The tears are streaming down my face now, I can't do anything but cry. He sits up and leans over me, "stay strong, we'll get through our problems together!"

   I sit up as well, "Ash..." This is it! "I l-"

   My eyes widen as Ash leans forward and puts his lips against mine, his arms around me. My eyes close and I kiss back, this is a dream...How...What...!? He pulls away and looks at pikachu, "sorry."

   I his him tightly, "it's fine...Just...Please promise that you'll never leave."

   He puts his arms back around mine, "I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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