Chapter 1 A Broken Angel's Dream

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Bel~ Hello and welcome to my first chapter! If you don't like the ship ShadAmy leave now. There will be Violence and Cussing in this book. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Dear Journal,
'Broken' ... That is the word They called me. I was a so-called Mistake  to God's Kingdom, but not to God himself. I was a Misfit, to all the angels in the clouds. Even the demons of hell, called me Mis-Shaped and Ugly. I always wore a cloak of red, Dark, Ruddy red to be exact. But only to hide my Ugly Scars, the scars I had for as long as I can remember. Yet, now I have to meet God for a mission. I'll write about It later, so don't worry.   
Your writer,
Amelia Rosette (A.K.A Amy Rose)

(Amy's P.O.V.)

I finally finished writing in my journal for today, now for my Mission! I ran as fast as I could to God's throne, for he told me to meet him there. As I made my way to his Throne room, They stopped me. The Demonic Angels was their name. They both greeted me with a quick, SLAP! Then They watched as I stared, stunned from being slapped twice.

(Normal P.O.V.)

"Oh! Look the pink rat is back," One whispered. As Amy heard those words, tears started welling in her eyes."Hi Amy, 'we didn't see you there'," the other lied between their teeth. Amy knew he said a lie, but tried holding in her tears to show she wasn't weak. "Its ok, Sally, Sonic, I'll just keep moving instead of getting in your way" she said softly while sniffling. As Amy was about to leave, but both the Angels stopped her by saying two words, "Ok, Monster." Amy could not hold in her tears anymore. She ran inside the Throne room with her hood on, hiding her tears as they dripped on the floor. God immediately saw her, with wide eyes, he asked if Amy was ok.

(Amy's P.O.V.)

Ok! I was everything, but ok! "I'm fine, just the Demonic Angels being JERKS!!!!" But, I only said that in my head. I quickly replied with a "Yes..." As I wiped my tears with my Handkerchief my mother gave me, God stared almost with a confused face. I could tell he was wondering why I was crying. "I fell while running here, my lord," I said, his face expression quickly turned to a happy one. "Well be careful running here child," he said with joyful laughter. I found myself giving a small chuckle, then remembered why I was here. "Oh! My Lord, what was the mission you wanted me to carry out?" I ask with curiosity. The Lord then remembered why I was here, I saw his face go expressionless and jump back to happy within seconds. I smiled at the fact he had such a dumbstruck face. "Dear Amelia, the most Precious Rose in My Kingdom, you know you are a Guardian Angel. Yet, your wings have been...Taken Away From You... by your father. Yet, in your circumstances you can not Guard anyone without your wings, because wings store all an Angel's power." He said with a grim face. "So, what does this have to do with the mission?" I said wondering if he was going to get to the point. "But, My Angels with smarts found a way for you to go on your first mission as a guardian angel!" He said as joyful as ever! I gasped with tears in my eyes, then asked a question with one word,"How?" God smiled and said "The angels found a way to get your wings... You have to find the love of your life, then share true loves first kiss." (Bel~ I know, Cheesy Right! But, this is the first thing that popped into my head! Don't Criticize Me! -w-)
I couldn't hold in anymore tears, I ran up and hugged him with all my might knowing I could be normal. He added on last thing "But Amy, it means you can't come back to heaven once your in love, until death do you both Part." I quick went over my decision fifty times in my head. My thoughts were jumbled up all together. 'If I do this, then all my dreams come true. I'll be loved for the person I am inside, not for my Monstrous Appearance. '

(God's P.O.V.)

I saw that the dear child was thinking it through. "This is a tough decision," I said in a soft tone of voice to tell her, "You don't have to decide right away." She stared at me, but her eyes were blank. As though her body was here, and her soul went to see the Galaxy. I saw her then lift her head, tears streaming down her face. She hugged me again, and immediately I knew her answer.

(Normal P.O.V.)

"Yes, is your answer I suppose?" God said with quick chuckle, as Amy stayed hugging him. Amy then wiped her tears and asked "When do I start, My Lord?"

Bel~ Heya I'm sowwy that this is pretty short and I left you with a Cliff Hanger
But I finally finished this chapter! I hope y'all like it

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