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Day fifth, and she notices the air in the bar she used to hang out with her friends is denser than before - and the same guy she has always got her eyes on is still sitting at the same particular spot by the bar, watching a shitty horse race on the mini tv, with a few shot glasses in front of him, like the usual. She will turn away whenever he is aware that she is staring at him, but most of the time she would get away with it.

A small, exclusive bar in the middle of London is rarely full with people hanging around playing snookers and darts and drinking, and she really likes it here - but the presence of this American dream of a man to this place lately has kept her around longer that she has ever stayed. He used to hang out with his friends but tonight, he was all by himself - surprisingly staying longer than the previous nights he ever had with his friends in this bar. It really caught her wondering if there is really something to do with her - plus with all these coincidences, but she guesses it was best just to let miracle, with a little bit of her charm do their work.

She walks up to the seat next to him, which is miraculously empty, and orders a shot of tequila before she nonchalantly plops down on the seat where the distance between her and this American eye candy she had been paying attention to in these few days, is just a few inches away.

His eyes are on her when she is looking away, so she deliberately adjusted her body posture so her cleavage in her tight black dress stood out a little more prominently.

"Thanks," she says to the barista when a shot of tequila was set in front of her. She took another glance at the man next to her again and sipped her drink slowly. He is hotter in this distance, and she swears his musk perfume is intoxicatingly sweet, making her wish she was breathing in his chest right now just to lose herself in the scent.

Fifteen minutes has passed, and everything is still not making progress. She is on another shot of tequila and he is still watching that stupid horse race on the tv. It drives her dumb insane that he still hadn't even made a move on her, as second thoughts begin to wash over her. Perhaps it was just her all along.

"That is your fifth shot, darling. I'm afraid you'll get too drunk to drive home."

He...was he talking to me?

She thought it was the barista talking, but when she looks up not even anyone facing her...except him.

She turns to him, and he has this solemn face on - and frankly she couldn't really tell if he is worried or concerned or both when he gives her that look from his eyes - and his eyes, they are electric green under the dim light of the bar. Holy hell, is he really so graciously handsome, utterly chiseled to perfection.

"So, how about you drive me back home, then, pretty boy?" She slaps a coy smirk across her gorgeous face as she turns her whole body facing him now. He chuckles playfully and she swears it was the sexiest thing she had ever heard for a long time, it really turns her on.

"Not until you show me the way around London, love." And now his voice is an octave lower and it is somewhat soothingly sexy in her ears. She really loved where it is going for now, and she is looking forward for more.

"You're such a flirt." She grins as she took another sip of her fifth shot. Even if she gets drunk, someone would take responsibility of that - at least, for tonight. Another sexy toothy chuckle graces his dazzling face.

A few seconds of silence filled the air later then, but she realized his eyes have never left her face, as the charming smile stays on his pretty face. Well, maybe sometimes he eyed her chest but right now she really doesn't give a fuck at all.

"You're not coming with your friends." She states as she moves closer, eyeing down his chest then back up to his electric green eyes, breaking the silence between them. He gulped before he spoke up, a little surprised of how observant she is even though he knew she had been watching him since day one.

"Yes, thought if I'd be by myself tonight, a gorgeous little English girl would approach me and asked me to drive her back home," and there he nonchalantly went before he takes out his cigarette and strikes his metal lighter. Her cheeks redden profusely to his answer, but she tried to make it less obvious by giggling it out.

He blows the smoke out of his lung, and she just observes the smoke disappears into the thin air.

"So, you know the way around London, don't ya?" He broke another question, stealing her attention from the smoke that came out of his cigarette.

"Better than the back of my hand, pretty boy." She fixes her seductive gaze back to his eyes. It took her by surprise to realize the few inches between them had now become almost nothing at all but the contact of the fabric of their jackets.

"So, how about you show me around here before I drive you home, darling?"

"Sounds decent to me." She beams as she nods. He mouthed "Sweet," as he cashes in to leave the bills, and even paid for her drinks before he gently takes her hand and leads her outside.

The air is so much colder outside and she couldn't manage to conceal a shiver as the temperature changes but he is quick to grab her around his arm to share the warmth. She looks up to him as they walk towards his car and caught him already watching her.

"John. And you, gorgeous?"
"It's Alex."
"Alex... that's adorable."
She laughs when they finally reach his car. He unlocks his car and jogs to the passenger side to open the car door for Alex so he could let her in.

"So, where are we going exactly, Alex?"
"We're going aimlessly."
"I like that." John smirks as he turns the key to ignition and leaves the parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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