Chapter 2

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At first, actually getting his wish again and being away from his family was all fun and games, but Kevin was now rather tired of this vacation. He's committed credit card fraud, the two criminals from last year, "The Wet Bandits" had busted out of prison and were now on his tail once again, he just wanted to go home, and was quite frankly missing Krystal. He looked around and the coast was clear, then sighed in relief because had he lost them. Well, for the moment. He stopped walking, took off his backpack, and pulled out the picture frame Krystal had given him for Christmas. It was Halloween night, and Kevin was dressed as a cop while Krystal was a bumble bee. They were both showing off their huge hauls of candy, and had their arms around each other's shoulders while Buzz was photobombing in the background. Kevin smiled thinking about the memory. That was a great, delicious night. Oh, what he would give just to see Krystal, or hear her innocent laugh or voice again! But honestly, he just didn't know if he was ever going to see her again at this point. And she thinks he's down in Florida with everyone else, decorating a palm tree. He was also wearing his half of their necklace, and pulled it out from under his sweater, holding it in his hand.

"If something happens to me in this city, just know you'll always be my best friend" He said, staring at Krystal in the picture. Then Kevin thought he should at least try calling her. He didn't remember Krystal or Nicole saying anything about going anywhere for Christmas, and knew their phone number by heart. So he ran and ran and didn't stop until he could find a phone booth. They all costed a quarter to use, and when he finally did, he had several and used every single one. But it was no use and went straight to voicemail every time. He sure hoped they were alright back down in Chicago.

"Hello, you've reached the Floras. We're so sorry we've missed your call, but if you leave your name and number, we promise to get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks! Have a nice day."

Before finally hanging and giving up, Kevin left a voicemail after the beep.

"Sorry for calling your house so much, but this is Kevin. I really hope everything is alright down there, but I'm not gonna lie. My family's in Florida, and I accidentally got separated from them at the airport and was put on the wrong plane to New York. I'm doing fine myself, but I miss you guys and my family a lot, and just want to come home. I've been staying at the one and only Plaza Hotel. I know right, but I'm not anymore, and I know there's probably nothing you can do about this, but I just want to come home. Not sure if i ever will at this point, and if I don't, tell Krystal that she'll always be my best friend. I don't think my family even knows where I am. Merry Christmas to you guys, and a happy new year."

Then he hung up, and blew up strands of his blonde bangs. He pulled a cookie out of his backpack, then slowly walked away eating it, and realized how much he was going to scare the hell out of Krystal because of his message.

"Rats!" He said to himself, slapping his thighs in frustration. He felt awful. Krystal was going to have a breakdown, but he had to be honest with her. Will he ever even see her again? Or his family? At this point, screw all the presents. He just wanted his family. His mother. Krystal...and could swear he wouldn't ask for anything else ever again.

"Be careful what you wish for, Kevin. Cause you just might get it" He said to himself while strolling down the dark side walk, knowing he'd eventually run back into those two lunatics again tonight. His wish came true last year, and he got it again this year like Kate said. Then he remembered their plan to rob Duncan's Toy Store at midnight, and his eyes widened, then narrowed as he stopped and clenched his fists.

"NO! Their not gonna get away with it this time! The fate of the world is in my hands now, and i have to stop them, and i have to get back to my family and best friend!"

And then, he took off running.

Kevin was ready for war.

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