Ice Skating

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Winter was still around, Christmas had finally passed and people were getting ready for the new year. Noctis though decided to call you up and have a date night with you again.

"Where would you like to go?" He asked.
"How about we go ice skating?" You suggested.
"Ice skating...?" Noctis asked.
"Yeah I enjoy it a lot when winter comes around." You smiled.

Noctis got nervous since he pretty much grew up within the walls of his palace the young prince didn't really know how to ice skate. But if it made his girlfriend happy then he'd have to at least try.

"Is it okay to go?" You asked.
"Y-Yeah sure.." Noctis nodded.
"What's wrong?" You frowned.
"Well I..." Noctis tried.
"You?" You asked.
"I don't really know how to skate..." Noctis sighed, rubbing the back of his head.
"That's okay, I can teach you!" You smiled.
"Really?" Noctis blinked.
"Yeah we can get our skates and when we get on the ice you'll just hold my hand and I'll help you." You smiled. 

Smiling back Noctis nodded his head and let you lead the way to the ice rink, Noctis felt lucky to have you as his girlfriend. Not only did you support him in anything and everything but you understood him and never laughed at some things he didn't know with.

When you two got to the ice rink within a few minutes you two rented your skates and started to put them on, Noctis grew nervous since he actually really didn't know how to skate.

Standing up you walked to the ice rink and stepped on the ice skating a bit before turning around waiting on Noctis, giggling you held you your hands and helped him slowly get on the ice.

Almost slipping you held onto him tightly as did he, laughing a bit you shook your head and looked at him.

"You really don't know how huh?" You traded.
"Stop it..." Noctis mumbled.
"I'm joking, just hold onto me and we can skate slowly." You smiled.

Staying true to your word you and Noctis skated close to the side, when you saw Noctis got the hang of it slightly you slowly moved to skate beside him hand in hand.

"There you go, your getting the hang of it Noct!" You smiled.
"Thanks." Noctis mumbled.

Other people on the ice skated without trouble, they continued to pass the two of you going at their own speed which didn't bother you at all since despite that you were having a good time just skating slowly beside Noctis.

After a few minutes the two of you stopped as Noctis almost slipped and fell, giggling at the sight of seeing him move his arms around to get balance again was quite funny and apparently cute to you.

"Haha very funny." Noctis said in sarcasm.
"Sorry Noct, it just looked funny and cute to me." You smiled.

Blushing Noctis looked away and coughed, grabbing your hand again he decided to skate along side you once more to get that topic off your mind.

Shaking for a few minutes turned into an hour, Noctis seemed to be becoming a quick learner with ice skating and slowly started to be able to skate like the rest, course it didn't end up well when he slipped and landed on top of you.

"Ow..." Noctis mumbled.
"Ouch..." You groaned at the same time.
"Oh okay?" Noctis asked.
"I'm fine, just didn't expect that." You sighed but laughed it off.

Still on top of you he moved your hair away from your face, leaning down to kiss you he soon realized there were still people around so he got up quickly. Coughing with blushing cheeks he helped you up.

"S-Sorry..." Noctis said again.
"It's fine." You replied.

Nodding his head towards the benches he and you both slowly skated to them, sitting down you both began to take your skates off calling it a day.

"I actually had fun." You smiled.
"Same here, learning how to skate was something I didn't think would happen." Noctis chuckled.
"Well now you know how to." You giggled.
"Yeah.." Noctis smiled.

Looking over at you he looked into your (e/c) eyes, since there wasn't much people around the benches and were more busy with skating Noctis took the chance to lean in and kiss you.

Pressing his lips to yours Noctis finally had the perfect chance to kiss you, poor guy had been wanting to for a while now just wanted to try to get the perfect moment.

Gosh did this boy love you, placing your shoes back on and returning the skates Noctis walked you home. Having a date night was always ending up with fun memories for the prince. Noctis would do anything for you and just being able to see your smile made his day.

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