Thinking today

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What is important for us?

The first thing that comes to my head is 'Happiness'. But what is happiness? Where do i get it? How important happiness is?

In a ficticion story, a good story has endings that ends up with a good ending or a bad ending. But it has to be a satisfying one. In real life, we grow up doing what everybody else do, and trying to find something. We could say in some cases we want 'happiness' or in others 'peace' and 'stability', hoping that some day something good happens to us. Following that, maybe 'Hope' is the most important thing for us. We all can hope to something happen, and with that, we can hold on in hard situations, motivating us to keep going on, untill someday something really happens or we finally become victims of circunstances and makes 'hoping' being impossible. But everybody is diferent and each one has lived their own story, so saying ''us'' is not an apropriate way to express my idea. for now, i can only say things in my perspective.

Following a point of view of someone that still can hope and has an infinity of possibilities in life, what is happiness, where do i get it and how important is it?

For a child grown in a good environment, we could make decisions and almost end up doing what you think what would be the best. In that point, in fact, we still search the best way of life. And there is the problem: search. Nowadays, with all the tecnology, the media, we are overwhelmed by the large amount of information around the globe. For a person without a minimum of critical notion to separate what is important from what is useless, the world can be a hazard, especially for children, and lay people with little training. Any silly business can handle this person generate actions as inappropriate and excessive consumption of certain products and make her believe in trivial things. Thats a dificulty that all people that has radio, tv, internet etc mostly have to face, despite all its usefullness.

...ill end it other day maybe.

Have to tell about wrong things in the world and yourself, about people without much choice, about that ''happiness'', obviously,  what we can do to fix, what we can't fix, finish saying about nowadays, say a little about the past, how diferent it was, how diferent it will be, so.. for now, chillout and peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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