day 8

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the door slammed as I barged into my bedroom as usual. I was about to flop on top of my bed but that's when I noticed a medium size lump underneath the covers, what the hell?  without thinking it through I yanked the covers over and I saw a cat .

"what how the hell did a cat get in my bed " I questioned myself and that's when I looked at the widow .Oh I must of left it open but then again how did a cat climb all the way up to my window?

snapping out of my thoughts I looked at the cat and decided I was going to keep it yes that's what I will do but wait what about mum ?

after a big discussion with my mom and a lecture on taking responsibility over the cat my mother finally agreed. I went back into my room and sat down thinking  on what to call it. I sat down on a wooden chair and started to intently stare at the cat thinking of a name. 

"what about whiskers?" the meowed and by that indication I could tell that it didn't like that name.

"okay what about mittens" again it gave the same indication.

"okay what about this name marshmallow" the cat gave a very loud purr okay your name is marshmallow.    

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