Chapter 6: Dubai December

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Rita POV

Chris's family and my family all gathered at my apartment the morning of the flight, with suitcases. Chris was flying privately out there, he was finishing his tour in Europe.

So Chris's Aunt, Uncle, 12yr old cousin Saffron and 4yr old cousin Drew flew with me, my mum, dad, brother and sister. It was a long flight, we left in the evening London time and arrived afternoon Dubai time.

We got to our rooms at the palm Atlantis hotel Dubai. Chris had a sort of penthouse/luxury room which had 3 bedrooms, a living area, en suite bathrooms and mini bar; being the superstar he is. Me and Elena took the other two rooms and the rest of the family stayed in rooms along the hall.

We settled and waited for Chris who was going to be there dinner time. Some of his stuff was already at the hotel, he was bringing his cousin Chad, who is one of his dancers from Virginia, he's known since he was a little boy. Otherwise he would've just had Baby Drew.

Me and Elena walked around with Don, Drew and Saffron before meeting Chris. They have an amazing aquarium in this resort. There's a honeymoon sweet which window has the aquarium on the other side. I doubt Chris would've wanted that room, he's not the most confident swimmer bless him.

I can't wait too see him. Non stop thinking of him since Australia.


"Stinky Butttt!!!" He here from behind me and turn to see Chris with his cousin Chad walking up to me with a smile from ear to ear. My hearts racing.

"Chrisssss" Drew runs up to him as he lifts him in his arms and squeezes him tight, chucking him up in the air and catching him. Then puts him down and hugs me tightly after, he says "you look pretty" to me which makes me melt. Then he greets the rest of us.

He just had a backpack, he carried Drew whilst I walked next to him.

"Ayye little man, what have been doing?" Chris says to Drew.

"We saw da fish" Drew says making cute fish movements with his hand. He was wearing Chris's baseball cap, which was way to big, but he look like a little version of him both of them wearing white tshirts.

 He was wearing Chris's baseball cap, which was way to big, but he look like a little version of him both of them wearing white tshirts

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"Yeah did you pick up any girls, did you get a date?" Chris says and I punch him in the arm giggling.

"I don't know how to date." Drew says looking curiously around as we head in the elevator.

"You don't know how, c'mon Drew you gotta teach me how to date. A brutha has lady problems." Chris says to him. 'Lady problems' I don't know who he's dating right now, Kae? Rihanna? No one?

"Yeah later will go chase girls together." Chad responded .

"Don't encourage him." Elena said.

"Yeah, you said you won't let me date until I'm 35." Saffron says in annoyance.
We all laugh.

"Yeah and that still hasn't changed. Girl don't talk to me like that." He says smiling.

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