The Exact Match

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"Remind me again why I keep coming back to you!" Sebastain was wispering angrily to me, again. It wasnt like this was a new fight. We have this discussion at least once a month and it always goes the same way. 

"Look at me now, Chloe. I mean it. Why do I keep coming back. Nothing will change. This isnt the way this is supposed to be." 

I looked into his hazel blue eyes and for the first time today pressed my lips against his. They were warm and comforting, somewhat familiar but I knew he wasnt into it anymore. I sighed and look back at him and found him staring at me. I couldnt ever figure out what he was thinking. As much as I wished I could, it simply wasnt possible. He parted his lips to say something else but I beat him to the punch. 

"Look Sebastian, I know this isnt the way you want things to be. In fact, this isnt the way things should be at all. If we lived in a perfect world you and I could be together and nothing would be wrong with that. Unfortunately, it isnt that way. Yet. Ive been working with Haley and I really think-"

"Working with Haley?!" Sebastian was starting to raise his voice, "Could you be anymore stupid, Chloe? Do you think she cares if you get in trouble for all of this. If you do she'll get what she's supposed to have and the world will be normal again!" 

I could feel the tears starting to run own my cheeks. Our arguements weren't supposed to be like this. They were supposed to be fast and not nearly as hurtful as this one was. Despite my voice cracking I managed to say "Stupid? Sure. Maybe its wrong of me to trust my best friend but you know what? She's known for almost two years now and she hasnt said a word to anyone. So if it's stupid to think that she cares, then call me an idiot. But do not call me until you've decided what you want Sebastian." 

I stood up. Determined to get away from the middle of this park. Determined to get away from Sebastain and his ability to make me cry, but as soon as I stood up I felt his hand grab my wrist and turn me to face him.

He had stood up and was quite taller than me now. He picked me up and set me on the park bench and looked into my eyes. On any other day I would have kissed him there on the spot, but somehow it just didnt seem like the time or place.

"Look, I know it seems like I'm very frustrated at you but I swear I'm not. Im just so angry that you werent my exact match."

Ah those words. Exact match. The words I've dreaded since they took us all back into the dark room with the projector and showed us that video. When the video ended they told us we would have from that day until the day we died to find the person that we were destined to be with. Then they handed out the necklaces and told us we would know when we found them because their half of they necklace would be an exact match to ours. Like two peices to a puzzle they said, and you will never be happier. 

Never be happier. What a load of bull. We were only 15 then. How would they know what we would like five, ten, even twenty years from then? Its only been four years and I know they made a mistake. Ive been in love with Sebastian for two years now and I know I couldnt be happier. The only think that could make it better was if my best friend Haley wasnt his match. 

As if right on cue in my thoughts, Haley burst into the clearing. 

"Hey Chloe! How are you?" Haley's sweet singsong voice carried through the clearing. 

"Hey, Haley," said the smooth voice from right behind me.

As clever as Haley was, she hadnt noticed Sebastian sitting right next to me. I liked to think she just ignored him on purpose but I know that wasnt true. Haley had always loved Sebastian, he just didnt feel the same way. That's how I know they made a flaw in their planning. You cant just decide how two people feel about each other using a computer, you have to find out by trial and error. Unfortuantely that wasnt the way things worked around Sunset Valley.

"Oh, Hey Sebastian. I didnt even see you sitting there," replied Haley while her cheeks flooded red. She could try all she liked but all of us knew she was lying. "I just stopped by to tell Chloe that it's time to head back to Sunset University. Winter break ends tonight and its about 5 hours to campus."

I hopped up and turn to Sebastian, knowing this was the last time we could be together like this. Tomorrow things would return to normal. He would walk Haley to all her classes, pretend like they were in love, hold hands, the normal couple stuff. All the while killing me on the inside knowing thats the way things should be. If we were lived like we were supposed to. 

"I'll give you guys some privacy. Chloe, I'll be in my car," and just like she appeared Haley left the clearing giving us the time we needed.

He looked at me and said "I'm sorry our last alone time together was spent arguing. If I only knew how late it was getting I would have saved it for another time. Chloe Im-." But I had already cut him off by pressing my face to his one last time. He responed by pressing his whole body into it, if only we had more time. I pushed him away to say one last good bye before I left but he beat me to the punch. 

"Good bye Chloe Martin. No matter what happens this semester know I love you so much and some day we'll be able to over come this. I promise." Then he walked away. 

There was no time for me to say "I love you too," or "What do you mean by 'No matter what happens'?". He was gone and it was only me in the clearing. Left to ponder my thoughts as I walked to Haley's Ice Blue Beetle. Luckily, either she wasnt in the mood to say much or had seen me crying cause when I opened the passenger door I only got a swift nod and a "Seatbelt," before she turned up the radio and pulled out on the highway, headed towards where I knew the worst was only ahead. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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