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Having lunch with your sister may sound like a total bore but when your with Jack no moment is ever boring.

We had decided to go to the mall in Quartzsite it was only 40 minutes away and i knew that Jack's favorite restaurant was there. She loved Chinese food and she swears that its the only place that doesn't taste like its been in a refrigerator forever. We got into my rav. 4 and i turned the key in the ignition. Nothing. Okay. i tried again. Nothing. i looked at the gas dial it was full. So what was wrong. Suddenly i got a chill. I slowly turned around in my seat to look at the back of the car.

 Okay don't get me wrong I'm not one of those people who freaks out about everything but how many people do you know that have car stalkers? This time it was a girl with sandy brown hair who was holding onto the back of my car. SHE WAS HOLDING ONTO MY  PRECIOUS BABY!  Id had enough of people touching, and leaning against my car. I had bought it with my own money that i had saved up and it was MINE. I still don't let Jack drive it. She has her little white convertible.

By now i was just ready to smack someone. And, oh look, there WAS someone to smack. So i opened my door and closed it behind be. Jack was watching me with a look of.... what...... a look of anticipation? 

Whatever at least she had an expresion on her face unlike the girl touching my car. I walked to the back of my car and put my hands on my hips. 

"What do you want?" i asked. surprisingly no one was around. (just like in a horror movie. .) She hadn't let go of my car. What was she trying to do? Then i saw it, She was trying to pull off my windsheild wiper. "DUDE BACK OFF!" I yelled throwing my hands up in the air. Her head snapped back to look at me. She relaxed her grip She. Had. Bent. it. I threw my body at her but she nimbly dodged it. I recovered but not before she threw a punch at my gut. I blocked it with one hand then swung with the other. I hit her square in the jaw and she went flying past my baby and hit the concrete. I didn't wait to see if she got back up. I spun around and tumbled into the drivers seat.

"Johnathan i didn't know you were willing to hit a girl?" Jack was doing her Cheshire cat smile at me.

"Shut up Jack." i said. ok please start baby please start! I turned the key and........ YES WE HAVE A VICTORY! The car started as if she hadn't stalled moments before.

We pulled away from the Starbucks Jack seamed totally calm about it.  Normally Jack would freak out about this stuff. I think she knew this was gonna happen today. Weird and freaky. I mean Jacks weird all the time but this takes it to a whole other level.

I turned on the radio to a rock station that's somewhere away from Salome. When one of our favorite songs came on we sang like there was no tomorrow. And frankly i wondered if there was going to a tomorrow. 

When we arrived i felt like i was going to die of hunger.  we parked in the parking garage and walked over to the restaurant. When we got inside the familiar smell of dumplings and vegetables hit me and engulfed me with their familiarity. 

We were seated at our usual seat which was next to the window. Neither me or Jack needed to look at the menu but we still did. 

 When the waiter came i did a double take. I'ts was the guy who smashed into the door. But then i took a closer look. This guys hair was longer and part of it was put back into a pony tail. And his eyes were darker than the  other one.

And this one smiled. "What can i get you?" he asked pulling the little note pad thingy out of his apron.

"Um....." i trailed off. Seriously how many people do i have to deal with today that look alot alike.

"Ah so its already started." the guy put the note pad back into his pocket and pulled a chair over.

"Can someone please explain this to me after I eat?" The guy shrugged and beckoned another waiter over.

"Can you go get an order of sweet and sower chicken and an order of shrimp fried rice?" The other waiter nodded and headed back towards the kitchen. Being who i am i only now saw that we were the only ones in the restaurant. Wow. Good job Johnathan.

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