Chapter 5 (Part 2)

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Dara is frustated.

She leans back on her seat as she sighs tiredly. All of this business matters are still consuming her energy, Park Corp. are still on their way to expanding their business all over Korea. And it makes Dara's day full with another serial of meeting.

With Jiyong's back in her life, she is just getting restless. She misses him, more than you could imagine. But her pride didn't let her to do another stupid thing. She had loved him, and still loves him. You had to try harder for me, Jiyong. Please fight for me.


"Get in", Dara says tiredly. Minzy are peeking her head from the door afraidly.

"Whats wrong ,Minki ?", Dara asks again. Her bad mood had make most of her workers afraid of her lately.

"It's another flower unnie", Minzy says as she shows her a bouqet of flower on her hand,"White roses".

Dara felt a contains prick on her heart. White roses? Am I your true love, Jiyong ? Is this true? Dara sighes.

"Throw it", Dara mutters as she felt her eyes blurred with tears.

"U-unnie", Minzy says as she eyes her sadly.

"Throw it!", Dara says hardly as she tries her best to not cry in front of Minzy.

"A-arasso", Minzy says as she closes the door slowly. Dara sighs again as she puts her head on the table. I miss you, Jiyong.

Bip. Bip.

From: Kwon Jiyong

I'm so sorry, Dara. I'm such a bastard, I knew it. But please believe me, I always love you. I miss you Dara.

Dara types a reply quickly and she leans on her chairs. She cries.

To: Kwon Jiyong

How can I know that you won't hurt me again? That you won't leave me again. Just go away, Kwon Jiyong

She sobs quietly as she grips her phone tighter. Please fight for me Jiyong. Fight more for me.

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