Solve This (5)

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I wake up, feeling a wave of nausea wash over me. I let out a quiet groan and prop myself up with my elbows. I look at the dull, battered walls. I notice the metal bars caging me in, and the damp concrete I'm lying on stings my body.  The smell of rotting blood and a musky scent of wet moss fills the cell. I was only covered with a black vest and black shorts. I hug my arms and scoot over the the far end of the compartment, leaning my back up against the bleak walls. I try to fight back the tears, threatening to escape my eyes, by repeatedly blinking and biting on my lower lip. I can't help the quiet sob that comes out, as my fate is sealed. I would die here.

After what seems like hours, I hear the clinging of metal and light footsteps on the stone steps. I don't bother looking up, I knew it would only be bad news. I shift my feet a bit out of uneasiness. "Get up." A deep, muffled voice said.

"Wha-" I start, but before I can finish, the voice cuts me off again.

"I said, get up!" Terrified, I slowly get up and limp to the bars. 

"What is it?" I croak out, shaking slightly from weakness.

"Quiet, just follow me." The voice leaves no room for any comments, as the doors are pushed open and I'm dragged out painfully by my arm. He pulls me to him and harshly straps a blindfold across my eyes, before I can see his face. I feel a shock of pain erupt in my side when I try to move again. I bite my lip, tying to conceal the scream I was dying to let out. I can't tell where he leads me; everything seems like a blur. I attempt to slow myself down, but he keeps persisting forward.

I'm lead into a room and the man shoves me to the ground onto my knees. I let out a little yelp as he does so. The ground was hard and brittle, jabbing into my hands. "Tell me, Thea. Do you know your riddles?" The deep voice sent shivers down my spine. 

"Well I suppose that depend what the riddle is." I reply. I hear him chuckle and take a step towards me, meanwhile I attempt to shuffle backwards 



We trail down the never-ending corridors, me clumsily knocking over most things. My foot catches on a lose tile and I accidentally fly straight into the  guy, sending us tumbling to the hard floor. "Uh... sorry." I say, trying to stand, gently pushing myself off of him. He doesn't reply, which worries me. Slowly he wraps his warm hands around my wrists, stopping me from moving. My breath catches in my throat and I get nervous. Is he gonna hurt me? Instead he sighs and carries on walking as if nothing just happened. Right, now I'm just confused...

After about ten minutes I'm hurried through a door, which by the wind I could tell was outside. The guy pushes me against a wall and takes off my blindfold. I blink a couple of times, readjusting to the light. I notice it was the hooded figure from earlier, and no I still can't see his face. He leans over to my ear, his hot breath fanning the side of my neck, making me shiver. "Thea, run." 

"What?" I shakily say.

"Just do it." He turns from me and opens the door, ready to leave. "Oh and whatever you do, stay out of this place." With that he shuts the door. I furrow my brows. Why would he help me? Using the only effort I still have left, I begin to run in the opposite direction of the vicinity. Anywhere... as long as it was safer.

I stop by a creek, crouching down by the muddy edge and running my hand through the crystal water. The water was ice cold, numbing my fingertips. In the distance, I hear the rumble of thunder and I look up to see stormy clouds looming over me. I sigh and get up. I'm totally lost. I wander the area, hoping to find some familiarity. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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