the final goodbye

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Author's note-
This is my first fanfiction. I originally wrote this in 2017  and posted it  in 2018 while standing in line to watch Infinity War. I rewrote this story to make it better. For those of you who saw the original version, I am truly sorry.  My writing was cringe-worthy back then  and I believe it is better now. Please tell me what you think of the changes. The characters in the story and the video above are not mine. However, this fanfiction and the song that Vision sings were both written by me so they belong to me. Hope you enjoy.
Please comment and vote. Feedback is not only welcome, it is appreciated. Also, I tried to fix all my spelling and grammar mistakes but if you see any that I missed, please politely Point them out and I will fix them. ~~~~~

The long and intense battle had finally finished. My fellow Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy had won after days of planning battle strategies and implementing them. I found my teammates cheering  and hugging one another. Some of them were crying but I assumed  they were tears of relief. I searched for Wanda however, I could not find her. I was about to ask Mr. Stark if he had seen her when at that exact moment, a scream filled my mind. That scream brought with it a feeling of deep and intense pain which resonated throughout my entire being.

I had only felt this once in my short lifetime. I felt this pain and heard that scream  when Mr. Maximoff had died. I wasn't aware I was flying until I found Wanda Laying in a pool of her own blood.

"Dr. Banner! Wanda is hurt! She needs Evac! No, immediate medical attention!" I said frantically, Landing by her side. I was  later informed buy Dr. Banner that I had spoken directly mind-to-mind, not into my communicator as I previously thought. I had never and still don't understand my abilities. My full potential, as some might say.

"It's not, your fault, you couldn't, have prevented this" Wanda said before I could say a word. She kept attempting to speak however, "Vis, I, I" was all she could get out before she started coughing up blood. I moved her body into the recovery position so she would not choke. To this day, I do not know what she was trying to say.

For some reason that I did not know but had been attempting to understand, I had observed time and time again humans achieve the impossible. My current theory was that it was their hope, their spirit, their determination that always seem to pay off even when there was no logical explanation for doing so. This was the reason why I still thought, at the time, that there was still hope for Wanda maximoff to somehow, despite all the odds survive.

"I know, you, know, to, to expect, the unexpected, but, but, my luck, has finally run out." She was losing a lot of blood quickly . The pool around her was growing bigger by each minute. Logic told me Wanda wouldn't survive and yet, I refused to believe it. I was fully aware that doing so was completely illogical and irrational but  for once, I did not care. It hurt me to see her like this.
She looked... Broken. I never had known the feeling of hatred. I hadn't even hated Ultron who had attempted to send Humanity into Extinction. However, In This Moment, I, felt what I believe is, hatred? A strong emotion which made it feel as if, there was  lava flowing through my veins .. I am aware that emotional intelligence is not a quality I possess. Therefore, I did not do the emotion Justice in my poor attempt to describe it.

I could not discern weather this emotion was directed at myself or Thanos.

according to all logic,  Thanos was responsible for this tragedy. However, I could not prevent this illogical feeling of guilt. as if this were my fault and mine alone.. I am the physical embodiment of the Mind Stone, which is one of the six Infinity Stones. Why could I not have done more, stopped this from happening? Why wasn't I able to stop Thanos?
The rest of the team arrived at this moment. I heard them gasp as they saw the state Wanda  was in. I could tell from the look Dr. Banner gave me, that he thought it was too late for her. All of Me was beginning to slowly  succumb to this realization.

The final goodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now