I. Prepare To Say Goodbye

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Their smiles
Their laughter
Their voices
Were all just whispered nothings that ran through my head
Constantly ridiculed for things that beyond my control
I believed no one
Trusted no one
Because they all left me for dead
So now here I am
Desperately trying to find
The secrets and demons they left behind

"Hey [Name], how are you?" The Prince himself came up to you and asked. You directed your harsh stare towards him, a small frown that permanently adorned your face.
"Just fine." You told him in your usual stoic tone and bowed to him. You began walking towards the throne room with him in tow making you quirk an eyebrow.
"Are you following me, sir?" You ask him, keeping your eyes set straight ahead. You wanted to meet with the King as soon as possible so you can continue your day.
He looks startled that you'd ask a question like that with such formality, after all you were raised in the castle with him. Your parents were apart of the Kingsglaive and they lived in the castle in case of immediate orders from the King himself.
".....No, I was just accompanying you to Father's throne room. If you don't mind that is." He says, examining your every action. He remembered those times during your school days where you used to be so bright and happy, nothing could take away that innocence of yours. But when your parents died, he noticed how you practically shut down on yourself and everyone around. Even he and his friends couldn't cheer you up no matter what they tried.
"That's fine." You simply said and you went back to staring at the long corridor. As you were walking by, visiting nobles and their daughters were loitering the area making you inwardly cringe at their obvious intentions.
"Ne ne papa, isn't that Lady [Full Name]? I heard that her parents are apart of Kingsglaive."
"Eh, I didn't know that her family was that important."
"Not really, her they both were immigrants. The King probably took pity on her family anyways."
"By was, do you mean...?" 
"Yes. She's an immigrant as well, don't try to associate with her."
"True, I wish I was her...She's always around Noctis-sama."
These were the kinds of things you heard whenever you were in the Caelum dynasty's castle. It was people like them that made you turn a blind eye to the Lucian people, their ignorance made you internally seethe with rage. 
Years of being insulted and being treated like an outcast made you get used to this type of bashing. Sure, you knew it was wrong but you were apart of the Kingsglaive to help protect your people, no matter what cost. But when your parents died, Insomnia saw their deaths as a lifted burden. Less immigrants filthying their land, their deaths were necessary, that you deserved to die along with them, they said. Now maybe that latter statement was true, maybe then you could have peacefully moved on with your parents to heaven.
Maybe then, you wouldn't have to deal with the constant ridicule and slander on your family name. But you fought off their negativity and pushed forward, no longer did you wear your heart on your sleeve. You learned that the hard way...
Upon reaching the King's throne room, you turned to Noctis with an expectant look to go back to doing whatever he was doing.
"Well, I guess I'll see you later." He spoke to you giving you a small smile.
"Remember I am your guard so I have to see you later." You quipped back at him making him smile. He seemed to get the hint and gave you a soft smile, patting your shoulder, and walked away.
Either way, even though he was worried about your well being in general. He liked this new you as well, he didn't mind your new personality at all.
Sighing at the prince's actions, you opened the throne room which opened with a loud creak. Inside stood Nyx and Crow who were talking in the corner while King Regis sat on his throne, looking over some documents. Walking into the room, you had to cough to get their attention, and they looked at you in surprise.
"Oh hey [Name] didn't see you there." Nyx lightly teased since you were shorter than him by an inch. You gave him a glare while making your way to King Regis. On your way there, Crowe wrapped her arm around your shoulder and gave your hair a light ruffle. 
You huff out in annoyance and gave the both of them a hard glare that didn't even make them flinch. It was a sign that you were annoyed, they had never thought they'd meet a person more serious than Cor but you made the cut.
"You called for me Your Majesty?" You ask him, seriousness filling your tone. You knew despite how much you despised the King and his people, you had to play the part.
You and your parent's last argument was over joining the Kingsglaive and you knew you had to make their last wish for you future to come true. As much as you hate it, you have to do the job to it's fullest. Regis let out a loud cough to gain the three of your's attention and when your gazes were set on him, he began to talk.
"[Name], this mission was originally for you but I realized that you could not do this mission alone. I need the three of you to go and retrieve documents. Also, bring the spy along with the documents to safety." He stated and handed Nyx the files. The two of you looked on either side of Nyx's shoulder to be able to read the documents.
"Niflheim?" At hearing Crowe's words, you blood ran cold. Your parent's deaths were because of Niflheim's Imperial Army raided their hideout.
"......" You stayed silent, the air around you becoming tense as you were lost in your thoughts. You were so lost in your hatred that you spaced out for a minute. Crowe touched your shoulder out of concern for you, regaining your full attention.
"You are to leave at nightfall so go and rest up for now. This is an urgent mission that needs to accomplished as soon as possible. Is that understood you three?" He asked the three of you out of full seriousness and you straightened up.
"Yes Your Majesty." The three of you said in chorus, kneeling towards the king, and heading out the door. You were the first one out because you needed some alone time to think. 

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