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I breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled up at the new house. I turned off the motorbike's ignition, taking off my helmet as I dismounted. I walked up the pathway and to the front door. It wasn't a big house. Two story, two bedrooms. I unlocked the white front door, walking into the hallway. It was dark, which was understandable as the lights were off and the curtains were drawn.
I kicked the door shut behind me, tossing the keys onto the wooden mantle piece. I flipped the light on, illuminating the hall and staircase. The walls were painted an off white and the floors were oak panelled. I walked to the first archway on my left that led to the living room. It was a large room, furnished with a leather sofa, a few bookcases, a fireplace and a TV. The front room was linked to the dining room which was a slightly small room, fit with a table and a four chairs. I laughed under my breath. Four chairs. Why would I need four chairs?
The kitchen was a few doors down, between the downstairs toilet and the dining room. It was only small, with a few cupboards, a sink, a washing machine and other kitchen appliances.
As I went to climb the stairs to the rest of the house, I heard a van honk from outside. I went back to the door, pulling it open to see the moving van parked up behind my motorbike. I waved at the guy driving as he got out his van.
"Alright?" He yelled in greeting as he headed to the back of it to get my boxes of stuff.
I shrugged, running a hand through my blonde spikes to try a fruitlessly tame it, "Can't complain. I only just got here." I replied, approaching the van to help take some of my boxes.
"It's a nice house, that one, innit?" The Mover said with a smirk. He had a gruff voice that fit his gruff face and blonde hair. I nodded without word, taking the boxes he handed me. "You a quiet one, then?" He raised an eyebrow with a snort of laughter, "Not to worry. You should probably open up soon though. Some of the neighbours are quite friendly."
I internally groaned. I moved to get away from people, only to find more. I turned on my heel, back into the house. I dumped the boxes in the living room, and the Mover did the same.
"Do I get a name, kid?" He asked, "Or do I call ya kid all the time?"
"Its Cloud. Cloud Strife." I found myself answering.
"Strife, eh? I should just stick with kid!" He laughed again, walking back to the van for more boxes. I rolled my eyes, following him.
He was about pas me more boxes, and as he did, another person walked over.
"Heya, Cid. What's up?" She smiled as she skipped over, brown braid bouncing on her back. She was wearing a pink dress and wedged heels.
"Hello, Aerith." The Mover greeted with a smirk, "What bring you out here?"
"I saw you in the moving van and thought I'd say hello." She laughed before turning towards me, "I'm Aerith Gainsborough. I live round here. Who're you?"
"Cloud Strife." I shook her hand and she giggled, big green eyes glancing up at me. I brought my hand back, self-consciously straightening my leather jacket before taking the boxes from Cid.
"Can I help?" She asked took the next two boxes from Cid as I turned back to my house. I placed them by the sofa, Aerith doing the same, before Cid came in with one large box.
"That's it, then. Not a lot of stuff there, Strife. You staying long?" He asked.
I shrugged, "We'll see where we get."
"Where do you come from?" Aerith cocked her head to one side like a puppy. I shrugged again, this time without an answer.
"He's a quiet one, Aer. Don't waste your time." Cid laughed.
"I should get Leon on the line!" She joked, heading back to the van, "See you around, newcomer!"
"My jobs done." Cid commented, "And, as Aerith said, see ya around, Strife." He followed Aerith out the house. I trailed behind, muttering a 'goodbye' and shutting the door behind him.
New house, new beginnings. Forgetting the past, however... that will be a problem.

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