I thought of you often...

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Its been a long day for Ian and Mickey. Life on the run was already exhausting. Mickey was honestly still in disbelief that Ian decided to join him since for the past year while he was locked up, thinking about him....Ian completely cut him out of his life without warning.  Not even a letter to help him through the hard time, which in prison was gold. Something to show that Ian cared would have been better than nothing.  After all he did for Ian and after all the love he gave; he deserved something.  He wanted to know why Ian could have been such a fucking asshole toward him.  Why the fuck didn't he visit?

As they were lying down Mickey punches Ian, "You never fucking visited me...Ian looked into Mickey's eyes, " I wanted to, but it was hard seeing you behind that glass.

Mickey wanted to know, " Did you ever think of me while I was in the joint?"

Ian turned to Mickey, "A lot...I honestly thought about your more times than I could count.  When we were last together I was so messed up, I didn't even know who I fuck was anymore Mickey. Even though you fucking loved me...I didn't love myself.  I was lost and  you were always there to take care of me to help me, and at the time I thought that was suppose to be my life...I wasn't suppose to be on meds and Monica had me convinced that no one ...even you...would understand me,  so I had to let you go despite the fact I loved you. I didn't want to be a burden on you which is why I broke up with you.  Then you went away.  After that I was even more lost, and when I went to visit you...seeing you behind that glass knowing I couldn't be with you or have you to take care of me anymore, something inside me knew  I had to be better and I had to do it alone.  When you asked me to wait, I told you I would and I meant it. The fact is I was forced to find who I was without you, and over time I made it on my own, I got better, I did good things, made changes, but I never ever stopped thinking about you.  You were always in the back of my mind no matter where I was or who  was with...I'm sorry if during this time away you had no idea how missed you were and that you had to question if I loved you because I do, I fucking love you Mickey."

"Damn Gallagher, all this fucking time being behind bars loving you, missing you, wanting you and then hating you for not showing me any love or support of any kind; and you come out with that...shit...if only I knew this then. Being behind bars the only thing that got me through were thoughts of a better life, thoughts of us. I missed you so fucking much. Mickey turned to Ian, and he to Mickey. Both sexy and vulnerable to each other when to the world they are tough south side guys...especially Mickey. The fact that together they could just be, was a beautiful thing.

The two have been through so many ups and downs, highs and even more lows.  One thing that both of them always had was each other. Now was there time to be together.  Mickey as southside and badass as he was, was fucking ready to have a normal life and be with the one person who he loved and who always had his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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