Part 1

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it is a windy , rainy day .. but apparently .. that's not even a problem for a guy who is walking with a total calm expression on his face .. he is wearing black jeans and hoodi , even though he is not holding an umbrella.. he doesn't mind that .
'why is this happening to me ?' he thought with a frown on his face ..
after 2 hours or so of walking and getting wet ..he arrived to his apartment in the 5th floor .. room number 16 .. he opened the door and went inside and yelled "im home !" "Kai ! finally man ! wait .. why are you drenched? "sehun asked unumused "finally you're back ! where were yo- WHAT ! YOU WENT WITHOUT UN UMBRELLA!!!! HOW OLD ARE YOU !? SERIOUSLY!"
Kai sighed "calm down Baek.. im fine .." "NO YOU ARE NOT ! wait here till i get you some clothes and prepare water for you to have a bath .." Kai sighed again .. and took his snickers off .. when he looked up.. he saw Kyung soo standing in front of their shared room .. looking worried at him .. Kai lowered his eyes and kept fidgeting in his place .. Baek came back with the things and started to nag again while dragging kai by his wrists to the bathroom"do you have any idea how worried we were ! i thought you were mature ! oh my god .. I will lose my mind because of you and sehun ! "
Kyung soo kept looking sadly at kai's back while thinking .. "why are you drifting away from me .. ?"
sehun approached him and asked hesitantly "ummm .. hyung ?" Kyung soo snappe
d of his divagation and looked at the maknae "huh ?" sehun asked "are you okay ? you are usually the one nagging at kai when he doesn't take care of his health you know .." Kyung soo smiled at him softly "he is having a hard time with the dancing and the pressure of the upcoming performance so I don't want to make it harder on him you know .." sehun looked unsure though but Kyung soo put his hand on his on sehun's shoulder and squeezed saying "you are worried too huh ?" sehun lowered his head and nodded.. "no worries. . as I  said .. he is just pressured .. you know .. because he is the dancing machine and all .. we just need to make sure that he doesn't overdo it .. okay ? can i trust you to comfort him ? " sehun smiled "of course hyung" Kyung soo mirrored his smile and grabbed his hand while saying "now let's make us some hot chocolate and watch a movie "

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