:Chapter 37:

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I looked at Song who was fuming. She had punched me and hit me trying to get me to talk. I've had worst done. Huro was simply using Dalton as a punching bag. He'd ask a question now and then. Song punched me in the stomach and I simply winced.

"I'm gonna ask again. Where did you meet Derik? Where did your organization find him?" Song asked once again for the thousandth time. I smirked at her. "At a stripper joint. He was pole dancing and I thought wow he's hot." I said changing my story once again. Song then punched me again. Audrey was huddled near the pillows her eyes closed. It looked like tears were forming in her eyes.

Akira was watching the scene silently and looking very sympathetically at Audrey. "Answer my god damn question!" Song screeched. She was a girl that was used to getting what she wanted when she wanted and here I was not giving her what she wanted. "I met him on a mission. We were strippers." I said with a smirk. Song slapped me right where the bruise was.

"Why don't you ask him?" I asked glaring at her. I was in handcuffs so I couldn't set them on fire they'd see it. Song looked really mad. "I will like to say something though. My way of threatening you." I started. Song sneered. "My older brothers will tear you apart and my best friend will record it." I told him. Song rolled her eyes. "Your little brothers are human sweetie. I ain't scared." Song said.

"My brothers were bitten by werewolves. They ain't human." I told her. Dalton looked at me and quickly shook his head. I know what I was doing. Both Song and Huro burst out laughing. "Is she stupid?" Huro asked Song. Akira simply stared at me in awe. Then at Audrey who coughed into her hand. She tried to hide but I swear I saw some red, on my Mother's grave.

"Honey. Werewolves can't be made. It's hereditary not a virus." Song said with a smirk. "I never said they were werewolves." I told her my voice flat and bare of any emotion. "I have had enough of this." Song said.

Song backed up and took off her shirt. "Already Song?" Huro asked with surprise. Dalton stared at me his claws out sawing at the rope. I nodded. "See how much she wants to hide when there is a wolf in her face." Song said glaring as she stripped down to nothing. Huro followed her and then they began to shift. Great. Soon two red wolves stood in their place, bigger than the average wolf and a very vibrant red.

Song was smaller than Huro who simply began to stalk around the room. Song bared her teeth and approached me growling. A growl came from Dalton. He needed to shut up. "I've had worst done." I said being truthful this time. Song snarled and then went to lunge. But a pillow smacked directly into her. She stopped and turned to the bed where Audrey had chucked the pillow.

She gulped when Song turned the aggression towards her. Huro turned the aggression towards the poor girl. Dalton then ripped the rope and got to ankles. Akira was quick to snarl back. Dalton was free now.

They were all occupied with Audrey. Huro and Song snarling at her and Akira protecting her. Akira had begun to do some shifting as threats. Dalton undid my wrists then stripped. He began shifting and surprisingly none of them saw it. Derik had loose restraints and was working on it but it might take him longer. He wasn't the best in the hostage class.

Soon in place of Dalton stood his wolf, correct Ash. His eyes were gold like the rest of the werewolves including Derik. Song then lunged at Audrey who let out a scream. Akira went to grab her but Ash beat him too it. Ash collided with Song's body and the two went tumbling with teeth and claws. Akira snarled and began to take off his clothes as Huro then struck with Song against Dalton. Despite that Dalton was managing to handle himself.

Audrey had gotten off the bed and was on the side crying at her close to death experience. I had got to work on the ankles but my hands were shaky. God damn blockers too. I couldn't contact Satan and he couldn't help. I curse the person who invented blockers. Soon I was free. I picked up the chair and went to hit Akira but stopped. Instead of shifting he was blocking Audrey. His eyes were gold.

I didn't hit him because of himself, but because of Audrey. That was her only defense. I turned the chair and let out a weird battle cry before slamming it down on a random red wolf who was fighting Dalton. I was hoping it was Song but froze at the size. Huro turned around his jaws bared. "No!" Derik yelled. He was trying even harder. I backed up and Huro came closer. Dalton tried to go but Song dragged him down and got into a fight.

"Good doggy." I told him. Huro snapped his jaws. Fucker. "I will haunt your ass for the rest of your life you fucking mangy wolf." I threatened this time using violence. Then he lunged. The door broke open and a white wolf collided into Huro. The wolf looked at me and I stared into green eyes. Nico. Oh the protector thing wasn't a lie. Huro snarled at Nico and the two went into a clash of jaws. Akira stood up.

"Enough!" Akira yelled and all the commotion stopped. The wolves shifted back into their human forms with bite marks lingering their bodies. "Akira," Huro started. Before he could say anything Derik had punched him right in the face and he fell back. Song snarled at Derik and Derik returned the favor.

"You said your brothers aren't human." Akira said turning on me. "What are they?" Akira asked. "I uh. Lycans, that's what we are calling it." I said nervously. "If they can be turned can they turn someone in return?" Akira asked. "Akira that is not the focus. We are for our Alpha." Song said. "I'm not your fuckin' Alpha!" Derik exclaimed.

"She's gonna die anyway." Song said and Audrey got up. Akira growled and his eyes turned gold. I looked at Audrey and then saw the blood on her hand. "You have lung cancer." I said looking at her. "Stage two lung cancer. I have had surgery and the next is radiation." Audrey said quietly. "I'll make a deal with you. Bring your brothers over here to see if they can turn her and we'll leave Derik and you guys alone." Akira said.

"Akira. We need an Alpha!" Song exclaimed. "I can be the Alpha! My Father would of been Alpha if his coat was more intense I would of been the next Alpha in line!" Akira yelled. So Derik and Akira are related. Audrey stayed quiet. "Deal. I'll be here in two days. If I'm not you can come knocking on my door." I told him. Derik glared at both Huro and Song. "Deal." Akira said.

Audrey went into Akira's side and he wrapped an arm around her. "Thanks for the pillow chuck." I told her. She nodded. "Put your clothes on." I told Dalton. He quickly got dressed. Nico shifted into his wolf form and went up to me. I ran my fingers through his fur then he left. "Lets go." I told them. "Two days." Akira said. I nodded then we left.

1278. Hey. So how'd you like it. Now I got to do a New Years special to do, so a four day chapter update. I hope you are enjoying the book since it will be ending soon. But then book six starts! Still haven't got an idea for a plot or title. But I will make due. Until next time marshmallows.

 Until next time marshmallows

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