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Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!!!


Scott and Mitch were cuddling, right after having a huge fight.

Mitch was drawing little patterns in Scott's chest. "I don't like when we fight". Mitch said aloud.

"Me either, Love".

"What happens when it goes too far"?

"It won't".

"How do you know"?

"Because we'll have a secret word, that stops everything. And when you say it, the argument stops and, no matter if I'm mad or not, I'll turn around and give you a hug to comfort you".

"Oooo, I like it. What's the word".

"Ummmmm..... how about... pause".



"I'm fine, Scott. I just had a little breakdown is all". Mitch assured.

"A little breakdown!? You almost..... y-you alm-most"-

"Relapsed again"? Mitch cut him off.

"Yeah". Scott whispered back.

Mitch sighed. "Im sorry, baby".

Scot just shook his head and looked down at his hands.

After a few moments of silence, Scott pushed himself off of the bed and got up, walking towards the bedroom door.

"Where are you going"!? Mitch asked, sitting up in the bed.

"For a walk". Scott answered, pulling the door open and walking out.

Mitch jumped out of bed and ran after him.

"Baby, please don't". Mitch said, reaching out for Scott's arm and pulling him back.

Scott turned to look at him. " I just need some air, Love".

Mitch shook his head. "Please don't leave me, not in this state of mind".

Scott pulled his arm back, turning around to walk again. Mitch followed him all the way down the stairs, begging for him to stay.

Scott pulled open the front door and Mitch had had enough. He ran up to Scott, wrapping his arms around Scott's torso, hugging him from behind.

"Pause!" Mitch said loudly.

Scott stopped and closed the door, prying Mitch's hands off from around his torso and turned around to face the smaller boy, pulling Mitch into his arms. 

Mitch let a few tears slide down his cheeks as he buried his face into Scott's neck.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just wanted time to think". Scott muttered.

"I k-know you d-do. But what if I nee-needed you and you weren't h-here". Mitch said.

Scott put his hand on the back of Mitch's head and pulled him closer.

"I'm sorry you had to call 'pause'." Scott said.

"It's ok-kay. Just stay, please".

"Of course, babygirl".

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