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Herro there this is -Chenlesaur- /dabs/
Obviously I'm hacking Jaemin's account. There hasn't been a post in this book for a while so I'm here to fix that.

 There hasn't been a post in this book for a while so I'm here to fix that

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I'm just here to saaaay,

Jaemin my cuddle bear, my best friend, my love, and my everything. I love you so much and nothing will ever change that. No matter what anybody says, you are an amazing person and I want to make sure you know that. I hug you like 100 times a day, but it's because I love you and that's one of the main ways I try to express it, but no matter how many times I say I love you, hug you, and kiss you, it will never express how much I really do love you. I'm probably being really cheesy right now and you're probably cringing (I'm sorry if you are xD ) but I just wanted to make you feel like the amazing and sweet person you are. Don't change who you are for anybody. Once again, I love you so much.

Now for a gif spaaaaam.

Now for a gif spaaaaam

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So cute (':

Your smile nfkskandjajqbwnwjw

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Your smile nfkskandjajqbwnwjw

Your smile nfkskandjajqbwnwjw

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I love your hair so much );( That shirt tho 👀 )

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I love your hair so much );
( That shirt tho 👀 )

I love your hair so much );( That shirt tho 👀 )

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Spinny @-@

Your hair in this XD flop flop

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Your hair in this XD flop flop

Your hair in this XD flop flop

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Who even made Markmin? -

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Who even made Markmin? -.-

Bye byeeee ♡

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Bye byeeee ♡

ROOKIES! JAEMINDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora