I Forgot to mention

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By the way, I forgot to mention my best friend is Sparkle Dash. She is a white pegasus with hot pink hair. Her cutie mark is a dove. Me and her have been best friends ever since daycare. We are the closest ponies on the planet. She is like a sister to me, and when me and Gamer Guy(My Boyfriend) fight, it isn't Dash who comforts me, it's Sparkle Dash. I'm really thankful for her, don't get me wrong, but she can be kind of annoying. She kinda like a mother hen. We live together, so whenever I leave, I have to tell her where I'm going, if I'm going with someone who it is, and what time I'll be back. If I'm not back by the time I said, she starts texting me, and won't leave me alone. Like I said, she is like a sister to me, but she's also a mother hen.

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