Slut Shaming

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One Slut.
Two Slut.
Three Slut.

Is it because I enjoy having sex?

Or is it because I don't have sex with the same person?

Is that it?

Is it really a crime to enjoy having sex with a different face in a different night?

Is that it?


Then come closer and let me tell you a secret.

One that shouldn't come to be a surprise.

Are you ready?

That doesn't make me a slut.


Well I told you.

It shouldn't be.

Just because I enjoy having sex doesn't make me a slut.

Just because I enjoy having sex with a different face in a different night doesn't make me a slut.

So don't tell me it does, because I know it doesn't.

So don't tell me it does, because I don't believe you.

So don't call me a slut because I enjoy it, because it doesn't make me a slut anymore than it would make you one for enjoying the same "sinful" act.

Because if enjoying sex, wether it be with a different face in a different night or the same face for every night, is what makes me a slut.

Then guess what?

It makes you one too.

Whatever your gender identity is!

Whatever your sexuality is!

It doesn't matter.

It would make you a slut too.

Enjoying sex with a different face in a different night doesn't make someone a slut.

Enjoying sex with the same face for every night doesn't make someone a slut.

It doesn't make me one.

It doesn't make you one.

So don't say it does!

One Slut.
Two Slut.
Three Slut.

Is it because I don't wear the clothes you do?

Or is it because of the skin I show when I do wear the clothes I like?

Is that it?

Is it really a crime to feel good in my own skin?

Is that it?


Then come closer and let me tell you a secret?

One that shouldn't come to be a surprise.

Are you ready?

That doesn't make me a slut.


Well I told you.

It shouldn't be.

Just because I wear clothes that show my skin doesn't make me a slut.

Just because I feel confident in my own skin and want to show that I am doesn't make me a slut.

So don't tell me it does, because i know it doesn't.

So don't tell me it does, because I don't believe you.

So don't call me a slut because I wear clothes that show my skin, because it doesn't make me a slut anymore than it would make you one for showing just as much as me.

Because if wearing clothes that make me feel comfortable in my own body is what makes me a slut.

Then guess what?

It makes you one too.

Whatever your gender identity is!

Whatever your sexuality is!

It doesn't matter.

It would make you a slut too.

Using clothes that expose skin doesn't make someone a slut.

Using clothes that make someone feel confident in their own body doesn't make someone a slut.

It doesn't make me one.

It doesn't make you one.

So don't say it does!

One Slut.
Two Slut.
Three Slut.

Cut the bullshit and don't you dare define me before you know me.


Hello! Well this is my first book ever on here, and I wanted to write this because of slut shaming going on. In just about everywhere I look, on wattpad, in movies, shows etc. there is always someone accusing another for being a "slut". When said person describes said person it always and I mean always says something along the lines of, "she wears clothes that barely cover anything and has slept with the entire male population," or whatever and it kinda pisses me off. Because you just read that enjoying sex and wearing clothes you feel comfortable in, wether it covers everything up or not so much makes someone a slut when in reality it doesn't. So I hope this gives you a better view for the next time you decide to call someone a slut. Bye!

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