Chapter 10- Adreanus

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POV: Adreanus

It has been a while since I have taken the time to read. I forgot just how much I enjoy it—I suppose I inherited my love for books from my father. I used to spend hours imagining what it would have been like if he had not died. I pictured the two of us in our home, here in the Western province, curled up in our chairs reading ancient and thick books that smelt of musk and ink, or debating the powers of sprites, or going on adventures in search of ancient relics in the pursuit of knowledge. I learnt that it was a waste of time to dwell on such things.

The sound of voices approaching from the hall pulls me out of my reverie and away from my book. I hear her arguing with a man. She is as stubborn as always. Based on the shuffling of feet I am almost certain she is injured. I feel my pulse race, I need to know what happened and that she is all right. It has become increasingly difficult for me to suppress my emotions. I have let it slide on account of my injuries and I know that from now on I will have to do a better job at concealing them. My heart wants nothing more than to let her in but I know it is impossible.

As she enters the room I am careful to show as little interest as possible. I cannot help but watch her when she is not looking. She looks exhausted; there are deep bags that contour her eyes. I want nothing more than to help her but I keep myself rooted in my own bed. I don't think I could leave even if I wanted to. My recovery has been slow and all I want is to stretch my legs and get out of bed. My attention has been so entirely focused on her that I fail to notice the man accompanying her.

"Adreanus is that you?" He asks his lips pulling into a smile that crinkles the corners of his eyes.

I set my book down in my lap. "Hello Eilif." It has been almost a year since I have seen my former training companion and yet so much has changed because of her.

He takes three large strides in my direction. He throws his large arms around my shoulders and roughly hugs me. I wince in pain.

"Sorry," he says releasing me, "what happened to you?" he asks finally noticing my bandages. Eilif was never overly observant something he made up for with his unbelievably strength and battling skills.

I decide to be as succinct as possible, "We were attacked by orgres and dark fay on our way here."

"You are the royal guardian who brought Avila home? Way to go, the Western province will forever be indebted to you," he says his body imbuing gratitude.

Avila? I turn to her immediately. She remembers? I feel relief and fear wash over me. Will she forgive me for leaving her mother behind? It was one thing when she had no memories of her mother, but now the pain must be so much more real. I feel my breath come to a halt. Her lips pull into a smile that lights up her face. Despite all she has been through all the evidence of battle disappears and all I can see is how beautiful she is.


My mind races, somehow the name sounds so familiar. A distant memory fights its way to the surface as I see the face of a young girl. She can't be more than eight years old, maybe a year or two younger than I was at the time. She is lying on the grass outside of the summer palace in a simple white dress. I watch her from afar and can tell she is talking but I cannot make out what she is saying. For a quick instant I think I see something in the water only it disappears the moment I focus my attention on it. Ripples dance across the ordinarily still water of the pond.

I approach her unnoticed as I close the distance between us and I hide momentarily behind a large statue. Stepping out from behind my hiding place I confront her.

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