25 3 10

I don't have art for this. But happy New Years regardless.

Hopefully I have the coordination to post this on the 12:00pm mark, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Mmmm~ I can smell my failed resolutions already.

I just realised I accomplished nothing this year. Days seemed to streaky on endlessly but when I look back on the weeks it seems like it streaked past. I didn't improve on anything important, I'm half way through my holidays already and I just feel . . . Ehhhh? If you know what I mean? I mean- uhh- Have a great day folks!

Here's my late Christmas present and New Years present. A picture of YMS in the shower. Thank me later.

Happy New Years!

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Happy New Years!

Unless you live in a different time zone, then happy whatever day you're having.

Artistic Asylum (OCs, RHG and more)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu