Episode 7: Read-O-Thon

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Chris: Welcome to another episode of Total Drama Campus Life? Lots to cover about last episode. Students competed in a Homecoming battle of the teens thanks to Heather! In the end, the Socialites took the win, also thanks to Heather. But in a twist of events, Zoey and TANNER, the main antagonist got kicked and psycho-Hanna came back to exact her revenge. What will the teams do with the newfound villain? Will she also be booted like way too early? Find out now on Total Drama Campus Life!

At the Socialites dorm, Heather, Courtney, Lindsay, and Gwen cower at the other side while Hanna stares at them.

Hanna: Nothing to fear. I am as evil as a bamboo hungry shark!

Heather:(conf) I never said I wanted to trade weirdos! Even if I did, I think Tanner would have been a more suitable option!

Gwen: You see, Hanna, you said yourself that you're the villain now and-

Hanna: SILENCE! You are disturbing the wangliai.

Courtney: Wangliai?

Lindsay: Isn't that a perfume or something?

Heather: It isn't even a word Bubble Brain!

Lindsay: It's a brand of bubbles? Can I have some?!

Gwen facepalms and Heather and Courtney exchange glances.

Hanna: If you Panda-Butts don't shut up I'll stick a desk drawer right up your-

Heather:(conf) (gasps)

Courtney: Psycho say what now?

Hanna: Now zip your cheesecake holes you baboons of the nether!

Gwen:(conf) Where does she get this vocab from? Homeschooled I'm guessing...

Hanna:(conf) Politeness is shamcaboose. Yelling is much more effective!

Lindsay:(conf) Hehe. Bubbles!

The Sharpeners dorm.....

Collin: BeBe, now that Tanner is gone, what is happening with us?

BeBe: Do you still want to be a thing? Cause I do. At first I didn't feel bad about all of this, but now I do. I love you more than Tanner, Collin.

Collin: I love you more than him too!

Bridgette: That's good.

Justin: Now that that is all settled, we have to plan who we should target on the Socialites.

Gianna: Obviously Hanna. These tarot cards are predicting that she will cause a lot of trouble. Oh wait, that's me.

Bridgette: Excuse me?

Gianna: Listen, there is something I must confess.

Justin: That you were working with Tanner the entire time.

Gianna: How did you guess? I did not see that.

Justin: You don't see a lot of people. I've been watching you since day one and I know you've been fake since the moment you joined the show.

Bridgette: Is this true Gianna? You've been helping him torture us?

Gianna: It's possible.

BeBe: You skankbag!

Gianna: Whoa! I am just trying to make it on this show just like the rest of you!

Collin: That doesn't involve letting Tanner do what he wants. You knew he was a threat! You should have voted him off with us in the first place!

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