That Girl

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The following week I walked into school very confused as I noticed people were whispering about some hook up between a first year and a third year,I had a very strong feeling that it had to do with Chris and what happened at last weekends party. I mumbled a string of curse words as I neared the girls who looked very panicked.

"The whole school is talking about Penetrator Chris and some girl he hooked up with" Vilde blurted out when I got closer

"That's cool?" I cough trying to make it seem as if nothing happened and to give them the hint seeing as some people were listening in

"But you were the one that-" She began but I slapped my hand over her mouth.

"Shut the fuck up Vilde" I hiss lowly "Are you trying to expose me right now?"

"Oh sorry"She spoke but it came out very muffled seeing as my hand was still on her mouth. I slowly dropped it and turned to the other girls they looked a bit nervous as they peered behind me. I turned around and saw none other than Chris's angry girlfriend run up on me. She landed a hit to my cheek making me stumble.

"Oh hell no bitch" I spat lunging at her my books and bag on the floor behind me.

I was on top of her delivering punch after punch, we were soon rolling around still fighting until I was lifted in the air and pulled back.

"Don't run up if you can't keep up bitch" I yelled struggling to escape the persons grip

"You're a fucking slut!" She yells blood dripping from her face

"Let me at her!" I scream pushing the person back as I ran towards her punching her in the face once again her nose cracking from the force.

"Let go" Iben cried as Chris dragged her back her friends instantly huddled around her thankful that my own had grabbed me.

I looked to see who was carrying me and saw William looking shocked . He set me down the girls immediately swarming around me. They were touching my face trying to see if I was okay.

"I'm fine" I groaned for the third time

"I didn't know you could fight like that"Jonas said shocked

"I was terrified of you and I wasn't even the one getting pummeled to the ground " Even chuckled holding up his hands

"She's so badass" Eva squealed

"Thanks Eva" I smirk taking Vilde's mirror to check on my face but I was fine just a busted lip and that's it.

"You weren't kidding when you said you never lose a fight" Noora said

"Don't make me mad then ladies" I wink fixing my hair and outfit before strutting into the school.

Unknown Number: You are one feisty little thing aren't you?

Marcella: Who's this?

Unknown Number: It's chris.

Marcella: Great. How'd you get my number?

Dickhead Chris: Vilde

Marcella: Don't text me your psycho girlfriend might attack me again

Dickhead Chris: I don't think she's going to be a problem for ever. She's terrified of you now.

I put away my phone looking up to see William standing there with a stupid look on his face. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it and just sat next to me his body facing mine.

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