fear is a weird emotion;
it makes us weaker,
can you define fear?
and if you can,
have you ever felt true fear?
people feel fear over these things,
but is it true fear?
much like love,
fear can manifest in different ways.
much like love,
the heartbeat quickens when scared.
much like love,
fear is hard to define.
i see terror in needles,
but i do not feel fear.
i see distress in heights,
but i do not feel fear.
i see horror in darkness,
but i do not feel fear.
the final question;
when i feel true fear,
will i recognize it for what it is?
no examples.
no definitions.
no experience.
or will i not understand?
will i mistake it for anxiety?
will i cease to function?
who knows?
the truest fear that can be felt,
is the fear of fear itself.