Welcome Fellow Travellers

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Hello Fellow Writers.

I hope you are ready to strap on your thinking caps, and i'll hand you Plenty of Piedeas.
Inside this book, you will find story prompts, as well as ideas and details you just wish to add to a story.

This is the Fifth book  of it's kind. Following Writers Juice, Tea Time, Slice of  Inspiration and Scoop of Ideas. If you are not satisfied with the prompts in this book, by  jove do go check out the other books and see if they will satisfy you instead!!

Unlike my other stories  created to help people with writing, this one is based on the creative  side of writing, rather than naming a character, or what the best verbs  to use in a book are. But if you do wish to find this segment, to help  your writing juices, then I would check out my other books, designed to  help you writing adventurers out. Such as: Designing Characters and  Other Handy Things as well as Designing Characters and Other Handy Things 2. As well as my many books of Character Names: From,  Girl Character Names, Boy Character Names, Fantasy Names, Surnames or even my Big  Book of Names.

In my last book, Scoop of Ideas, it became an increasing trend for people to comment  their dialouge responses on the chapter, i implored you to do that  again, i cannot describe how much joy it brought me to read everyones  take. It really really increassed in Scoop of Ideas, and I hope all of you just have fun letting your imagination go wild with responses and role-play with one another.
Don't hesitate, just write your dialouge response for everyone  to enjoy, you may even make some friends, and i read every single on of  them, and I smile and cry, and laugh.

I do oh so hope you enjoy this book and it sparks something in you.

Please Enjoy.

Don't Hesitate to comment.

And by all means, don't  hesitate to munch into these pies, and get to writing that magnificent  story I know you have inside of you!

Good Luck.

Go Check out the Menu of Chapters.

All the Best.

Love, Maplefoot.

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