it was fun.....till i got home

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(i walk in the house and find my mom sitting on the couch waiting for me.)
Mom: where you been? cause school ended about an hour and thirty minutes ago.
Sasha: i was hanging with my friends and the new kids that came.
Mom: you sure you wasnt out being a lil h*e so you can get some money.
Sasha: MA i dont do that.
(she slaped me…..hard…so hard that i fell to the floor)
Mom: b!itch you think im stupid. your already knocked up. you need money so what you go out and do nasty stuff for some money.
Sasha: (crying) but ma i dont-
Mom: shut up you nasty whor3. i dont know you anymore. i need you out.
Sasha: what what do you ,mean i need ,you out??
Mom: i need you out my f*ckin house. get out…pack all your sh!t and leave.
Sasha: where am i supposed to go!!
Mom: i dont know but ,u aint staying here. you got 2 weeks.
Sasha: wow i didnt know you would do me like that. i thought you were my mother. who would always be there for me. always help me.
Mom: sasha dont give me that bull. im not white so dont give me no sob story.
Sasha: im not giving you a sob story ma im speaking the truth.
(i got up off the floor and went to my room. i couldnt call anyone. i had no where to go and nothing to do. i wanted to call roc but i wasnt ready to ,talk just yet. i started packing my stuff. with the amount of clothes and shoes i have i would at least have 2 suit cases 1 duffel bag and a big back pack to keep them in. welp i betterstart packing.)
Jae’s POV
(i walk in the house and my dad is there waiting for me…… i got really scared…..he had a glass full of something in his hand juss sitting there staring at me…….. i knew he wanted to beat me so i carefully dropped my back pack and ran….. he ran after me and i made it to my room but didnt close my door on time. he grabbed me and slapped me in the face)
Dad: b!tch where you been.
Jae: i-i was at the park
Dad: with who?
Jae: the girls.
Dad: thats it?
Jae: ummm no we was also with these new kids that came.
Dad: why do you have another hand print on you?
Jae: sasha and i got into a fight.
Dad: oh that pregnant b!tch?
Jae: shes not a b!tch dad.
Dad: shes pregnant at 13.
Jae: she got raped.
Dad: girl please you dont know nothing. i see her all the time running around wit boys. you know damn well she did not get raped and if she did she deserved it.
Jae: dont you dare speak about my friends like that you dont have no f*ckin right cause your a f*ckin drunk.
(did that juss slip out of my mouth…….he is about to kick my a$$ and i know it)
Dad: what little girl.WHO YOU THINK YOU TALKIN TO LIKE THAT???
(he slapped me and i fell to the floor. he got on top of me and punched me harder and harder every hit felt worse then the last. he had punched me about 8 times and i was bleeding by then)
Dad: you better watch who you talking to little girl. you aint grown and i will surely mess you up. you under stand me?
Jae: yes.
(he walked out my room and i sat there and cried.. cried my eyes out. then i went to the bathroom to clean myself up. i looked horrible. bruises everywhere and i had a black eye. i took a shower. went down stairs to say goodnight to my dad but i found him fast asleep on the table. this could have been my chance to ,leave but im not ready yet. i need the right time. i climbed into bed and went to sleep.)

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