Story of us (mates find true love)

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Hey guys this is my first supernatural type story and one that I would acc Finish 😂 my other book "man be hide the computer didn't really sound good soooo.. I hope this ones good enjoy

Remember vote comment whatever :)

-love toyah xoxo


"Im a fairy" I managed to say

I look at Jackson and Marie , nervously as I waited for an reply ... but nothing. they just looked at me and I saw a flicker of amusement in there eyes

I was beyond confused did they think I was lying? or just play crazy?

All of a sudden they burst into a fit if laughter. anger boiled inside of me.

Being angry was an understatement, I'm fucking pissed. they are just laughing there asses off why I stand here ready to blow.

I was about to walk out when I heard Jackson say

"I know there was something different about you"

I turned back and faced my to friends

"Maddy" Marie's spoke softly

She got up an walked towards me and forced me into a tight hug

A slight relief brushed over me then I was confused again

I pulled back and just stared at them

They seem to since my I was confuse because Jackson got up an walked towards me and grabbed my hand

" What do u mean , I know there was something different about me ?"

Marie and Jackson looked at each other then looked at me with wide smiles

"Maddy , we've got a little secret of our own we're ...."

Okay I guess use a probably confused what happen right now ? maybe I should start from the begin ...;)

Story of us (mates find true love) -completed #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now