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a threesome - "princess" - tw (there's a warning) - kiNky shit - wincest
story time - angst if you
squint - sin

Threesomes were never Sam's thing. Neither were guys. But he'd be damned if he didn't admit he listened in to his brother and a certain angel of the lord 'getting it on' often. It's not that Sam was pervy, he just developed a crush. Well, two crushes. Crushes are for twelve year old boys, Sam placed, not grown men. Although as much as he would deny it, Sam had a thing for his brother and his brother's angel. It had started when caught the two pushed up against a wall, lips locked sex hair and all. Dean immediately pushed off of Cas, whom gave Sam a smirk and a sly wink. Sam's throat went dry and he couldn't even focus on his brothers explanation. Oh yeah, mustn't forget that factor; Dean was his brother. But as much as Sam tried, he just couldn't feel disgusted or uncomfortable when he thought about his brother in bed. Actually Sam had always dismissed his feelings toward his brother. There was a glorious time when Dean felt the same, or at least for a moment. Sam was 12 at the time, Dean being 16 or so. Sam had a nightmare and Dean was comforting him. Just as Sam was going to fall asleep in his brother's arms, Dean pressed a kiss to his forehead. Sam looked up at Dean in confusion and Dean kissed him again. On the lips this time. Sam froze, unmoving. It was quick and soft but John walked in. Dean saw the terror in Sam's eyes and forced a smile,

"Go to sleep, Sammy. Everything's gonna be fine."

( trigger warning : physical abuse )

Sam didn't, and knew better than to listen in on his brother's beating. Dean thought Sam never heard them but he did, choking back tears. John rarely hit Dean in front of Sam, but as soon as Dean got up, head down, John lifted his hand nice and high. Sam saw Dean braise as the hand came crashing down and connected with his brother's cheek. Dean fell to the ground and picked himself up, a bleeding purple cheek left for Sam to see. Dean was holding back tears,

"Go to sleep Sammy." His voice cracked as John screamed at him. Dean stood straight, taking everything in.

( trigger warning over : John hit Dean )

"I don't want to see you for the rest of the night! You hear me BOY!"

Dean spoke for the first time, "Yes sir." He left straight away. When Sam saw him the next morning he looked the same has he always did, minus the purple cheek. Sam realised then how much shit Dean buried for him.

They never spoke of it again and the night seemed forgotten to Dean. Not to Sam.

A moan coming from the other room caused Sam to come out of the pit that was his childhood. Sam always thought himself to be a top, like Castiel. Not that he had thought of the two dominating his older brother. The way Castiel switched into 'top mode' made Sam shiver. The angel was one kinky bastard, from what Sam could hear. The occasional "little slut" and "mm you like it when I pull your hair, don't you, Princess?" was common to hear. Sam had woken up in a cold sweat and a boner dreaming about the three of them more often than he'd ever admit. He just prayed Cas couldn't hear him thinking about all the things he'd do to his brother with the angel. If he could he didn't mention it, although he would wink and give a knowing smirk when he caught Sam in the morning after a wet dream.

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