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Katie pov
"WAKE UP LITTLE SIS" my brother yells. I open up my eyes to see my brother spraying me with silly string and Riley, my brother's friend, recording the whole thing. I look at my clock that's on my nightstand. "WHAT THE HELL ZACH! It's not even 9 in the freaking morning! Get the hell out of my room" I yelled at Zach and Riley. "Mom told me to get you up because she making you go to playlist live: Austin (A/N I don't know if that's real so just pretend it is) with us. So get up and ready. We leave in a hour." Zach says as I stick my tongue out at him. "Get out of my room so I can" I say back as he sticks his tongue out at me. 'Great now I have to take another shower' I say to myself. I grab my phone and head into my bathroom that connected to my room. I connect my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and put my songs on shuffle. As I get into the shower 'nothing but love' by Zach Clayton comes on. I roll my eyes and finish taking my shower. It's not that I don't like the song but Zach plays it all the time. I finish my shower and I get dressed and do my hair (at the top). I put on so makeup. I put on a little concealer and mascara. I look at my clock and see there's still 15 minutes till we have to leave. To pass time I decided to text my best friends in our group chat
•Text messages •
Kat😻💖🎀: heyyy
Loren💜💋⭐️: hey
Jordyn❤️👑😝: sup
Markie🤗💎💛: what's up
Brando💚🙈🔥: hola
Kat😻💖🎀: y'all r all going 2 b @ playlist 2day right
Loren💜💋⭐️: yes y me & j r on r way
Markie🤗💎💛: me & Blake r on r way 2 y
Brando💚🙈🔥: me and hunter r getting n r uber now y
Kat😻💖🎀: I hav 2 go w/ Zach my mom's making me
Jordyn❤️👑😝: what about the fans
Kat😻💖🎀: idk maybe if I hangout w/ y'all & zach's friends so I look like I'm just a fan ttyl gtg Zach is yelling @ me 2 hurry up
•End of text messages•
"Katie hurry up we need to leave" Zach yells from down stairs. "I'm coming! Clam the hell down" I yell back as I grab my headphones and phone charger. I run out to the car and realize that my phone is on my bed. I run up to my room and grab my phone then I run back to the car. "Hey bubba" I say. "What do you want and how much is it" Zach says back. "Why do you think I want something" I say. "Cuz you only call me bubba when you want something or you miss me" he says. "True can we get Starbucks" I ask. "Sure do you want anything Riley" Zach asks Riley. "Sure" Riley says. "What do you want Katie" Zach asks as we pull into the drive-thru. "I want a trenta strawberry acai with 2 scoop of strawberries" I say. "Okay" Zach says then orders everyone's drinks.
•At Playlist•
Right now me, Zach, and Riley are walking into playlist. "Hey Zach" I say. "Huh" Zach says. "What about the fans. They don't know about me. What do I do." I asked. "About that I think we should tell them soon like today since you have to be here for all of playlist." Zach says nervously. "What?!? Why I'm I here for all of playlist?!?" I say loudly. "Shh. My had to go on a business trip for a week" Zach says softly. "She didn't even say bye to me" I said sadly on the verge of tears. Zach just gave me a hug. "Hate to ruin your sibling moment but if you want to broadcast before playlist we need to get in there a hour and a half till playlist." Riley says. "Lets go in" I say happily. "How do you go from crying to being this happy" Riley says. "I get to see my best friends when we go in" I tell him in a dumb tone. "Duh" Zach says while laughing. Riley rolls his eyes as we start to walk in.
How do y'all like this book it's my first book so please no hate

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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