Ask & Dare

53 3 5

Salem: Hi Guys! I'm Back.

Mabel: Hi!

Bill: Heyo

Dipper: Helloo

RevMabel: Why do I have to be here again?

RevDipper: Sister, It's going to be over soon I promise

Will: H-Hi....

Salem: ANyways...... @AlexLee979 has a question for..... Mabel!

Mabel: OoOOOo What is ItT?

Salem: Dipper why don't you give your sister the question... *Smirks*

Dipper: S-sure...?

Salem: *Hands over question*

Dipper: *Facepalms* Oh lord no....

Bill: What is it?

Dipper: Mabel @AlexLee979 asked "How many sugar packets do you eat?"

Mabel: Well, LETS FiNd OuT!!!!

Dipper: Oh No...

Mabel: Lets see, *opens one sugar packet* NomNomNomNOM

RevMabel: That's disgusting!

Salem: Then you're gunna hate this, The question also applies to you!

RevMabel: No way am I doing this!

RevDipper: Sister, just do it and then we can leave.

RevMabel: F-fine. *Grabs a sugar packet*

Salem: While they're doing that, @_Wrong_Number_  had a dare for Bill.

Bill: What is it?

Dipper: *reads dare* *starts laughing his ass off*

Salem: pfftt *joins in on Dipper's laughing*

Bill: What Is the damned dare guys!?

RevDipper:  *Takes paper out of Dipper's hand* Oh lord... *starts to cackle

Will: W-whats going on?

Will: What's going to happen to my brother? *Reads paper* *trys to hold back laughter but fails*


Salem: Okay Okay, @_Wrong_Number_  dares you to admit  that you're a- and I quote-*cough* Sexy *Cough* Dorito

Bill: I can do that!

Dipper: Then *laugh* do it

Bill:  *Screams* I'm a Sexy Dorito!!!

Dipper: *stops recording on phone* I got that on video!

RevDipper: Send it to me!

Will: A-and me... please.

Bill: Dipper.....Don't you dare!!

RevMabel: I c-can't do an-ny more... ngh

Mabel: *pupils are dilated* Mooorrreee!!!!!

Dipper: Mabel how many have you eaten?

Mabel: Eleventeen

(A/N if you get that reference then you're my new internet friend)

Dipper: She's gunna be up all night

Bill: I'll put her in dream scape....

Dipper: okay!

RevMabel: *throws up*

RevDipper: How many did you eat Sister?

RevMabel: nine

RevDipper: pftt I can do better than that

RevMabel: LEts see you try!

RevDipper: Fine! WIll get me a bunch of sugar Packets!

Will: Yes Master.... *poofs up sugar packets*  here you go Master

RevDipper: Thank you Will.

RevDipper: *Opens first packet* NomNom

Salem: OKay guys!!! I have to end it here but see more of Sugar high Mabel in the next Ask or Dare chapter.

RevDipper: *Finishes two sugar packets* I can't go on!

Bill: Pathetic!

Dipper: *Secretly posts the video of Bill on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook* *Sends it to RevDipper, Will, Salem, RevMabel, and Mabel*

Salem: bye guyssss

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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ASK OR DARE Will, Bill, Dipper, Mabel, RevDipper And RevMabelWhere stories live. Discover now