A stranger .. a very common word used to explain the state of someone under different circumstances ,.. like living in a different country , being totally unknown then . Or having no family or relatives ...etc.
but we've never see it the way "Albert Camus" did in his great novel "the stranger" .. neither how oxford explained it as follows :' a stranger is anyone who does not belong in the environment in which they are found ' .. did it mention family or relatives ?? No .
How can someone doesn't belong to his environment considering having family , friends , good neighbors , a job and almost everything that anyone can ever ask for ?? Well Camus gave us the answer .
Our stranger was a guy with no feelings , no ambitions , no hope and no faith !! Actually faith is the most important of all . A man with no faith is a dead one .. a man with noting to look for is dangerous ! What we believe in is what makes us who we are . How can we be so full of nothing ? Is that a life ? And the worst .. he was an atheist .. no morals , no feelings , no principles ... how can this be a normal human ? .. as Camus said :' we cannot complain the he lacks what it was not in his power to acquire '
Yes !! This is it ... the only thing other than our brain that differs us from animals is our 'humanity' , our faith ! Our belief , our morals ! .. he could never belong to any environment expect for the animals world (the forest) where there is no laws .. no feelings .. like #a_stranger