Ch. 1 - TOA ~ The first meeting

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 Penny Tamis

Some would say that I am a total bitch, others would say that I am the best person they have ever known. Strangers often get to know the first version first, and if they stick around, they get to know the second one, but only two have survived that phase. 

" I'm coming, I'm coming, " I mumbled to myself when I pulled up my hair up into a ponytail. My friends made me agree to come with them to a comedian show, and apparently the only reason they we're going was that the comedian was in his late twenties. They knew about my view of thinking, but all they cared about was to get me out of my little apartment. Both of my friends actually survived through my bitchiness, and I love them to death, but they are often a pain in the ass. 

I liked being alone, because then no one would complain about my loud music, and the way that I looked. The one person that complained was my landlord that lived ten feet away from my doorstep.

The first day, before I even got to go sit in my new couch, he rang on my door, trying to seduce me with his flirty eyes. I honestly wouldn't have minded, but the fact that he's over sixty years old, totally threw me of the train. 

 We walked out of the house towards my friends car. I was probably not going to like the show anyway. Comedians always thought that they owned the world because they could make a room with 50 people laugh, but that is totally wrong


The second that we stopped the car, one of my friends jumped out of the car, not even waiting on us.

" What is the deal with this guy? " I asked her as we started walking towards the building. 

" He's just perfect. Haven't you seen pictures of him? " my friend asked me. Why would I stalk a comedian? I would only stalk him if he was a normal guy to my requirements, which meant that he needed to be just like myself. 

" You know that you won't find the perfect guy. It's just impossible! What was on you lift, huh? Reading books, not childish, and probably a hundred more things, " she said rubbing it into my face. I wanted to have a list of what I wanted in a guy. Most girls just "went with the flow", but I wanted to be organized. 

" Let's just go inside, " I said, started to be really mad at her for pointing out the obvious. My friends did not have any expectations in a guy, and probably because of that they slept around with a random guy every weekend. 

As we walked inside, the cold wind blew in my face. At least they had an AC going. 

" It's starting soon, come on! " I heard my friend say. There was at least 100 people in the main room where the show was, and I could feel everyone squishing against me. 

" I think I'm going back to the car, " I said, but no one heard me over the noise. Why the hell did they pick out this place if they knew that over a 100 people would be coming? 

" Can everyone pick their seats, so the show can begin? " I heard someone say from the stage. The voice was husky and I could feel that I got goosebumps all over my body. 

" Oh! That's him Penny!! " my friends yelled. We found out places, and sat down. " Never again, NEVER again, " I mumbled to myself as I received my ticket, with a VIP pass, from my friend. 

" VIP? " I asked her, and raised my eyebrow at her. I do not want to meet this guy, if he's just like I think he is. 

" Hello everyone, thank you for coming tonight! " Again the husky voice spoke into the microphone. It felt like I could listen to this voice of the rest of my life, and not do anything else. " He is so sexy! " 

Almost all the women in the room started squealing and making funny noises, and by the look of the guy on the stage, he did not mind that. He had pitch black hair on his head, and his eyes were sky blue. " Why are everyone squeaking? " 

My friends looked at me like I just killed their cat. " He's hot, and he can make panties drop, " said my sassy friend said and looked back at the stage. He was definitely hot, but his cockiness var over the roof. 

Once everyone was sitting down he started do make horrible jokes, and of course everyone was laughing their asses off. The only jokes he made was those kind of jokes that they made in kinder garden. How did he manage to make a carrier out of that? 

I rose up from my seat, walking back into the bathrooms. My friends didn't even notice me standing up from my seat, so that was definitely a sign of having fun, the complete opposite off what I was having. While I was walking to the back of the room I could feel the sense of someone staring at me, but I did not care to look behind me. 

Travis Lane

Once I stepped on the stage, everyone started to cheer. Everyone loved me, and it felt amazing. Usually there was no men in the audience, but today it was a ton of them. They were so jealous at me, and all they could do was to hold down their wife to not jump my bones. 

When I started talking, I could feel the hormones in the air. I couldn't point out one girl in here that didn't like me. 

" Hello everyone, thank you for coming tonight " I said loudly and grinned. I loved my live, and the fact that everyone loved me made it ten times better. 

In the crowd I could see a girl standing up from her seat and making small steps out of her line. Her blonde hair that was stuck in a pony tail waved in my direction as she moved her feet. 

I couldn't see her face in these lights that was directed at my firm body, but I knew that she was not into me like everyone else. I had never seen a girl walking out on me before, since I was the one walking out on them. 

The blonde girl walked by all the women and men that sat in their place, and back to the bathrooms. Well maybe she didn't want to look bad? It wasn't possible that she wasn't into the show.

I started to do my thing once I couldn't see her anymore, but I had her on my mind through the whole performance.


Thank you for reng the first chapter from my first book! I hope that you join me on this journey, and support me the whole way through.

I would appreciate if you didn't point out my grammar fails, but if it's something major, go ahead. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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