Chappie 4

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*Knock Knock*

"Emerald? Hi I'm you think you could maybe come out?" I heard a soft voice ask as I sat cross legged against the door. I had kicked off those 7 inch heels a while ago, since they were starting to kill my poor feet. I've been in here for about an hour now in silence not saying a word. I just wanted to leave this place, I missed my mom and my dad. And as much as I hate to say this, I also miss my bratty little sisters. I continued to stay silent, not answering Marcel's question. Marcel sighed as I heard him walk away.

"What did you say to her Harry?" Marcel asked Harry impatiently, he sounded like he's been through this number of times with Harry.

"Nothing! I just told her about our research...and she got upset that I called her a prostitute" Harry explained as if it wasn't a big deal. He was clearly getting annoyed with the situation. I quietly unlocked the door opening it a crack so that I could see them. As I peeked through the door I saw Harry and Marcel with identical frowns on their faces. Marcel had his arms crossed against his chest as he glared at Harry, clearly mad about what he called me. Harry had been leaning against the wall next to him with his hands in his pockets, he looked bored with this argument

"Harry you can't just say that to a girl! She has feelings! Have you ever stopped and thought about someone else's feelings for a change?!" Marcel screamed at Harry, his nostrils flared, green eyes clouded over with anger. Harry sighed as he looked down at his black boots. I quietly chuckled to myself as Harry was getting scolded, just like a little kid would when getting caught stealing from the cookie jar.

"She's staying with us for 6 months at least make an effort to be nice to the poor girl...I'm sure she's been through a lot" Marcel huffed as he turned on his heel making his way back to me.

"Just because you're 3 minutes older doesn't mean you're the boss of me!" Harry screamed as he stomped his foot like a little kid would. I giggled to myself quietly as I saw Harry's face turn as red as a cherry. I quickly closed the door quietly and locked it as I remembered that Marcel had been making his way back to the bathroom. Marcel seems really sweet, it looks like he cares more about others than himself. I couldn't help but think that was really nice of him for sticking up for me like that.

"Emerald?" Marcel knocked on the door again, probably to ask me to come out again. I got up from the cold tiled floor as I tightened Harry's lab coat around me. I opened the door stepping out shyly. Marcel looked down at me with concerned eyes

"Are you ok? I'm sorry for what Harry said to you...he can be a jerk sometimes" I nodded as I looked up into his green orbs

"Thank you for sticking up for me Marcel...that was really sweet of you" I brought Marcel in for a tight hug. Marcel was caught off guard as I hugged him, when I pulled away he had a tint of pink on his cheeks. He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose as he continued to blush. I laughed at how dumb founded he looked, Marcel then cleared his throat

"You must be about I fix you something to eat?" I nodded as I could really go for some burgers right now. Marcel smiled as he gently grabbed my hand in his leading me down a narrow hallway. We then entered a cream and white kitchen, Marcel sat me down at an all white island

"So what'll it be Ms. Emerald?" Marcel asked in a very poshed English accent as he slightly bowed. I giggled at his goofy actions

" about burgers?" I asked as my stomach growled, Marcel smiled before nodding. As Marcel prepared the burgers we talked about any and everything. We had a lot in common with each other, he loved the same shows and movie genres as me

"So you've never seen a Harry Potter movie?!" Marcel gasped as he placed a plate with burger and fries in front of me. I laughed as I shook my head, it was funny to see Marcel so shocked. His big green eyes went wide as his cheeks flustered a light pink

"We need to have a serious movie marathon one night" Marcel smiled as he ate a fry off of his plate. He then sat next to me at the island, I stared down at my plate with hungry eyes. I licked my lips before digging in. As me and Marcel continued to talk about movies we have and haven't watched I noticed that Marcel was actually quite funny. He made corny jokes but that's what made them even funnier, I couldn't help but burst out into laughter as he told me corny knock knock jokes

"Ok I've got a better one..knock knock" Marcel said as he chuckled a bit, I caught my breath before answering

"Who's there?"

"Nana" Marcel tried to hold in his laughter, his eyes started tearing up and his face turned a deep red. I couldn't help but snort at that

"Nana who?"

"Nanna your business" Marcel then finally let it go as he broke out into hysterical laughter. I couldn't help but follow suit, Marcel then let out a snort and that's what sent me over the edge. I started laughing so hard that my stomach started to hurt, as we both continued to laugh we heard heavy footsteps making their way towards the kitchen. Our laughter stopped as Harry enter the kitchen with a scowl on his face. I looked down at my food not wanting to look at that jerk, I couldn't stand him at the moment

"Marcel! stop fooling around...we have work to do" Harry spoke lowly all while keeping his green eyes on me. He looked at me one last time before scoffing and making his way out of the kitchen as he shook his head. I looked up at Marcel as he gave me a sympathetic smile. Why did that horrible guy have to buy me?! Why couldn't he have taken one of the pretty blonde ones from the palace?! Marcel patted my shoulder lightly before getting up and making his way out of the kitchen.

I looked back down at my half eaten food not really feeling hungry anymore. With Marcel gone I felt lonely again, the silence was killing me as I played with my food. Why did Harry have to be such a jerk, I bet it wouldn't kill him just to show me a shred of kindness. Oh how I can't wait for these 6 months to be over....
Sorry for the long wait I had such bad writers block it was terrible. But I can't wait to start up this story again since I've got my writing mojo back😛. I hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to comment and vote, and if your new don't forget to follow me😉❤

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