Excerpt: plus Spicy Excerpt:

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  Walking through the door I see John, Luke, and Troy at the bar. "Boys are startin' early today." I walk up behind them and seethem freeze. Tiny slides to the side of me. "Heard you got my girl's coat and license, John."He turns and I see the fear in his eyes. Pussy. "I got it in my bag. I was gonna bring it to the office."I throw a jab to his eye and he falls back. "Way I heard it, you were makin' a special delivery today."Pussy doesn't even pull himself up to standing. "That was just the drink talking. Knight, you know I wouldn't hurt Jess.""What I know is I bring my girl here and three of my Brothers are talkin' about bringin' harm to her. My girl has myprotection as soon as she walks through that fuckin' door. Brothers should be lookin' out for her not looking to do her. Beenhere a fuck of a long time to be treated with this kind of disrespect. Worked hard to earn that respect only to hear it wasthrown away by you three fuckin' asswipes."Troy has the balls to turn around. "She don't have a cut. She don't get old lady protection. I like what I see and want a piece.I'll take it."Ben snatches him before I can hit him. Not sure when he got here, but I ain't sorry to see him. "Any Officer brings someone inhere they get protection. That girl showed more respect not knowing about the Brotherhood than you three disrespectfulmotherfuckers. You treat your Brothers and Officers with the respect they earned. Get your heads out of your asses or dropyour cut and leave.""Pres. He don't leave until I get a word. He did a drive by last night. Wonderin' what he would have done if my truck wasn'tparked."Ben throws him against the bar. Luke and John move out of the way, but Tiny doesn't let them get far. "What the fuck? Didyou not see the girl with your VP? My old lady told you she belonged to Knight. What the fuck are you doing on a drive by?"Troy stands, looking at Pres. "She didn't have a cut, makes her anyone's." Fuck, this asswipe is stupid.Ben lands an uppercut, throwing Troy up and back. He folds to the floor. "What the fuck! I'm ashamed you're wearing mycut. Brothers take care of their own, show respect for those who earn it and respect their Officers. Our charter gives Officersfull protection for whoever the fuck they claim. Our Brothers know that. All but you, fuckin' piece of shit. You been here twoyears and you tell me what's in our bible? You better show up at Church tomorrow, motherfucker." He looks around.Everyone is watching. "Jess has my protection. You better hope she doesn't get a fuckin' hangnail on your watch.""Sweet thing has my protection." Tiny shocks everyone.All my Brothers throw their protection on Jess. Fuckin' beautiful! I lift a chin to the room and turn to Luke and John. Tiny isstill behind them. "You standin' with your Brothers or behind that piece of shit?"Spicy Excerpt:"Once I get in that bed are you going to let me up before morning?"His brows shoot up in surprise at my words. "No.""I need to take care of a couple of things before I climb in then." He nods and sits in the chair by the door. I smilegoing into the bathroom leaving the door open. I take my makeup off, brush out my hair, and brush my teeth. WhenI turn to leave I find him watching me with a smile."Expected to be waitin' more than five minutes," he says as he stands. I walk over, stopping right in front of him.His arms go around my waist and he kisses me like his life depends on it. Holy shit, he is good! His hair tickles theside of my face. He lifts the hem of my sweater, pulls it over my head, and goes back to the kiss as my hands pullhis shirt out of his pants. I'm unbuttoning it while his hands grab my ass and squeeze. Lifting his head, he flicks theclip on my bra, it falls down my arms, to my amazement. That's never happened before. He freezes, staring at mypierced nipples. "Fuckin' beautiful, Jess." His voice is thick. He shrugs out of his shirt and puts a hand behind hishead, dragging his T-shirt off. His hands move to my waist as he walks me back to the bed, where he pulls thecomforter then lifts me to the center, laying me down gently. He unzips my boots and slides them off. Shit, he isbuilt. His muscles ripple every time he moves. I lift my hands to his arms and trace the tattoo over to his chest. Hisbreath comes out in a hiss. He moves my hands over my head, my heart and breathing speed up. His eyes lock withmine to gauge my reaction. "You like that?" I nod. He growls, "Don't move," and bends to catch my nipple in hismouth, teasing the studs. I love the feel of his hair touching my body. My back arches, but I keep my hands overmy head. He slides a hand to my waist, unbuttoning my pants as he moves his mouth from one nipple to the other.When he bites down then sucks hard I moan, lifting my hips off the bed, feeling it right down to my pussy. "Fuck,more surprises."He lifts up, kneeling over me as he slides my pants down. Pulling them from my feet, he drops them and my kneehighsoff the bed. My lacy panties are all I have left on. He skims his fingers up my legs then lays himself inbetween. "Any more surprises for me, Jess?" I'm fighting to keep my hands above my head, not sure if I shouldanswer. I nod. He growls pulling my panties down roughly. I whimper. "Fuck, one surprise after another," he says,leaning to lick the bar on my hood. A tremor runs through my body. "Gotta tell you, you are one sexy lady. Yourjewel is sitting' in a pool of cream." He strips my panties off. Growling, he flicks his hair to one side and settles hismouth onto my pussy, playing with the bar, making my crazy. He lifts my legs over his shoulder and opens mewide.Pleasure is zinging around my body as he sucks my clit and bar into his mouth, gently flicking his tongue. "Please,"I beg him. I'm trying so hard to hold it in. His tongue doesn't let up. I'm whimpering. "Please, Steve," I beg again."Fuck, babe, let me see my good girl come." He puts his tongue back on me and I lose it, screaming his name.When the haze lifts he kisses his way up my body. Looking into my eyes, he says, "Nothin' sexier than hearin' youscream my name.""Fuck. I'm a good girl," I whisper, so relieved. I lift my hips, he raises an eyebrow. I drop back down to the bed andwait."Good girl." My brain clicks, it's okay to come. "Fuck." He gets off the bed and removes his pants. Fuck is right.He is big and sporting a barbell. I moan. "Like what you see?" I slowly move my eyes up his body, finally reachinghis eyes and nod, holding my bottom lip with my teeth. Grabbing a condom from his pocket, he rolls it on and pullsmy legs to him, putting my ass on the edge of the bed. I wrap my legs loosely around his hips and wait. He watchesmy eyes the whole time. "You want me in you, Jess?""Please," I whisper. He slams into me and stops. My breath comes out in a whoosh. I take a breath in and moan itout. He starts moving slow at first, rolling his barbell to find my sweet spot. When he gets it he starts moving faster,sliding his hand under my breasts, his fingers rolling the studs. Fuck! I pull my eyes to his. I'm ready to come,trying to hold it off. I whimper.Something clicks in his eyes. "Fuck, Jess, you're a good girl tonight pleasin' me. Come when you need it." Mybody releases, I feel my pussy contracting, he moans. My back arches, I cry out his name. He flips me onto myknees and holds my head down on the mattress, slamming into me from behind. I'm whimpering while he squeezesmy ass, opening me wide. "Fuck, goin' to take your ass soon." I moan and push into him. He slaps me on my rightcheek. "Don't move." I moan again. He reaches around, rubbing my bar against my clit. I go off like a rocketfeeling his body jerk as he slams into me a final time. I collapse under him moaning and try to catch my breath.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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MC: Knight (Book 1) By L Ann MarieWhere stories live. Discover now