Chapter Five

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Louis couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was speechless. Eleanor had a bloody blade in her hand and her wrist was cut and also bloody. Her mascara was running as she looked at Louis with surprise. "I..." Louis started, finding the words to say, "What are you doing?" Louis whispered. Eleanor stayed silent knowing that it was a rhetorical question. She looked down, ashamed. "What happened?" Louis fell to his knees and tried to catch Eleanor's gaze. She swallowed, "Uhm," She started, her voice hoarse from her crying. "I.." She burst out sobbing again.

"I didn't mean to. I just couldn't take it and it's hard for me to be happy with all this happening. A..And I'm sorry." Louis hugged her comfortingly.

"Shh.." He whispered into her ear. Louis waited until she calmed down to help her back up. He turned on the warm water and gently and carefully cleaned Eleanor's wrist. Louis didn't meet Eleanor's gaze no matter how hard she tried. He stayed silent. "Are... Are you mad at me?" Eleanor whispered. He didn't respond. Eleanor repeated it again but a little bit louder, "Are you mad?"

"I have to go...I have a meeting with Simon in an hour," Louis started out of the bathroom. Eleanor grabbed his wrist, "Louis! Answer my question."


"Are you mad at me? For what I did." Eleanor repeated for the third time.

"Of course, Eleanor! You practically lied to my face!" He all of a sudden snapped. Eleanor cowered back.

"I didn't want to hurt you.."

"Hurt me how?! You hurt me by lying to me and hurting yourself."

"I didn't want to hurt you because your fans caused all of this! I don't want you to hate them! They're your fans and they love you. Your not making me feel better by yelling at me!"

"The only reason I'm yelling is because I'm so hurt that you wouldn't tell me this. You hid this for how long?"

"A month or two?" Eleanor whispered.

"Two months?"

"Or one..." She mumbled. Eleanor's attention went towards the front door which clicked because someone was unlocking it. Louis also looked as Eleanor's mother walked in with her work clothes on and grocery bags hanging on her arms. She looked up at them and smiled, "Hello Louis," she greeted. Louis smiled in response.

"I would love to stay but I have a meeting to attend to." He said smiling at Eleanor's mother. He looked at Eleanor one last time before running down the stairs and took his jacket. He bid goodbye and left the house, leaving Eleanor confused. Her mother saw this in her facial expression, "What's wrong, dear?"

"Nothing." She said softly and positioned herself on her crutches and limped back into her room.

I don't think he'll talk to me for a while, She thought to herself. Eleanor lay down and followed the doctors orders of resting for a couple days. She dozed off and fell asleep.


Louis made it into the office, late. "I'm sorry I'm late. Something came up." He said blankly and took his seat in-between Liam and Zayn. Simon excused him. Louis wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying. He was regretting about yelling at Eleanor when she needed him most.

"Louis!" Simon snapped him out of his thoughts. Louis looked up, "Hm?"

"Tell me what I just said." Simon demanded as he intertwined his fingers on the wood table in front of him.

"I don't know." Louis answered. Simon glared at him, "Well pay attention or I'll keep you after and explain this whole thing again."

"What? Am I in Secondary School again?" He sassed back. The boys stifled laughs. Simon glared one more time as they cleared their throats. Louis payed more attention so he wouldn't have to stay after one-on-one with Simon.


Eleanor had slept for three hours. She got up and brushed her teeth, the feeling of her "morning" breath annoying her. There was a knock on her bedroom door. She opened it to see Louis with a pizza box in one hand, "I thought we could share a pizza?" He used his free hand to gesture towards the pizza. Eleanor smiled, "Come on in."

A/N: Okay so I'm going to explain this here. Eleanor's depression is on and off. Most of the times she's upset but Louis tries to get her happier and sometimes succeeds. SOMETIMES. Also, I wrote the book in third person for a reason but you'll find out why later because if I tell you now it'll spoil the whole book. I'm sorry for not updating, I had midterms and then I couldn't find time to update. The goal is twenty votes. Anyway, keep voting and commenting!

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