chapter 1

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By: pretty bae tiana
I wonder what all of this noise is about i said as i crawled slowly off of my bed and went into the hall the whole house was a mess,papers were all over the floor and clothes were throw all over the chairs and even on the door no one was at home I searched all the rooms of the house but I didn't see anyone my father , my mother and my brother were all gone. They don't usually go out and leave me at home alone without telling me anything I said to myself quietly. The noise got louder so I ran quickly out of the house to see what was going on ,I stood on the bridge with my eyes wide open, it looks like almost the whole village made a big crowded circle everyone was looking at something at the middle some persons were shouting out loud fight, fight, fight and most of them were yelling and making annoying sounds that really hurt my ear as I got closer I saw about six men fighting I don't know what for the crowd was so big I could hardly see the persons but I noticed that the village councilor was included too. Eventually the police came and everyone returned to their houses but there was no sign of my brother nor my parents. Two of the men were severely injured and they were taken to the hospital while the others were taken to the police station I searched and shouted but all I heard was my echo, the road was clear no one was out in their yard nor on the road I asked the neighbor but they said that they haven't seen them since last night. My eyes were filled with tears and I started to get worried. A little while after Delina went back on the road again to see if they were anywhere on the road,but they weren't so she kept shouting and repeating the same thing over and over again mom,dad,troylin where are you but its the same as the last time all she heard was her echo,about half an hour later Delina got really tired of searching and shouting so she sat behind their little wooden house and started crying she so uncomfortable and stressed because she knew that people from other villages usually comes into their village and take away whoever they want to use them as slaves. Delina kept crying as she was thinking what could happen to her family until suddenly she fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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