Lucy and Edmund's Story

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Lucy Pevensie skipped ahead of her Aunt Alberta, ignoring the pebbles consistently being thrown at her by her extremely annoying cousin Eustace. She had lived with them for six month and had come to get used to this behavior. Still didn't mean she had to like it. Though she would be lying if she said she liked any of her situation.

Well except for her brother Edmund, whom at this point had actually become her bestfriend, but he would of course been with her had they gone to America with their parents. Then again he might have been just as difficult as he was before Daddy came back. He teased her mercilessly, argued with Peter, and wouldn't listen to Susan.

Then their father returned from war and for one brief, beautiful moment, it looked as though everything was perfect. But that was quickly ruined as the next day their parents decided they weren't safe in Finchley. So Peter was shipped off to the country to live with some Professor, and Susan got to see America. How exciting.

Of course, they both wished for their younger siblings to join them but their parents only had enough money to take one kid, the professor had agreed to take other children, and Auntie Alberta would die before agreeing to house four rambunctious children who weren't even her own. So they were stuck.

So here they were, stuck with a snobby family who barely seem to care for them, with only each other as family. Honestly, Edmund was, at that point, her only means to not breaking down completely. A year ago that would have seemed like the most ridiculous statement in the universe, but now, not so much.

Lucy stopped skipping. 'Where was Edmund?'

She sighed as she found her answer. He was looking through the window of the enlisting office. Shaking her head slightly, she ran back to him, gently took his head and looked at him. He gave a small smile, took his hand back (because no one in their right minds holds hands in public!), and they walked back to Auntie Alberta, who was tying their seven year old cousin's shoe, not paying them any attention.

They walked back to their house and their aunt dragged Eustace upstairs to try on a pair of brand new knickers.

So Lucy turned to their uncle and squeaked. "Uncle Harold! We helped by the groceries! I even picked the fruits! I hope you like them!"

Their uncle ignored her.

"Uncle Harold?"

He sipped his tea.

"Uncle Harold!" Lucy started to get annoyed.

Edmund scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Huffing, Lucy turned from their uncle and gave her brother glare. Which was surprisingly stern for an eight year old. Edmund simply stuck out his tongue.

"Daddy, Cousin Edmund is making faces at you!"

He turned, only to be hit by a pebble. Angry, he ran to the stairs and pushed Eustace onto the steps and harshly began to hit him.

Hating when her brother got like this, Lucy quickly checked the mail.

"Susan wrote us a letter, Edmund!"

Immediately calmed by his younger sister's voice, Edmund reluctantly left the now crying child, who ran to his mother, and went to his sister's room.

"-I do hope Edmund's not causing you to much trouble. I would really like to believe he is treating you the way your letters imply. But he won't even send Dad of all people a single letter! Nevermind that, Lu, stay strong, wars don't last forever. For we may be separate, but not for long.
Your Loving Sister,

"Oh Edmund! Why can't we see them!"

"Auntie Alberta said she'd let Peter visit for Christmas!"

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