Trying Again (On Hold)

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A/N Hey this is my first fan fiction so it will probs be crap but could you comment anyway to give me ideas and stuff thanks!!! =)

Harry's P.O.V

As I walk through the Gryffindor common room I could feel the stares of every single Gryffindor in there from first years to seventh years, and for once it wasn't because I was 'the boy who lived'. After I had defeated Voldemort, I had decided to come out about me being gay. So now not only was I getting shit from all of Slytherin, but the whole of Gryffindor seemed convinced that I was going to rape them during the night or something. The only people who really supported me were Hermione and Hagrid.

After what felt like a year but in reality was just seconds I reached the portrait, but as I stepped through, I just about ran into my ex best friend Ron Weasly, he turned bright red and stared at his feet as he quickly ran passed me like I was contagious. I scowled after him but he didn't turn around so I continued walking out of the common room. As I walked I pulled out the Marauder’s Map, threw my invisibility cloak around me and whispered "I solemnly swear I am up to no good" and quickly started looking for the one person who could cheer me up even though anything he would say to me would be an insult. Draco Malfoy. Just thinking about him made me smile. I found the Slytherin common room and I was surprised to see that he wasn't in his bed like he normally was at this time of night; I kept searching while walking to the Room of Requirement, the room where I was sleeping nearly every night now. It was only when I was inside and had shut the door that I realised that the bed where I normally slept in was already taken. Being too tired to argue with whoever was sleeping in my bed, I crawled into the one that had materialised across the other side of the room, buried under the covers and fell asleep.


Draco's P.O.V

As I woke up the following day, I turned over in the bed I'd found in the Room of Requirement. I had needed a quiet place to stay after I got sick of the talk about 'Harry Potter' being a poof. Harry kind of turned into my anchor when the war was over. Voldemort was defeated and my father was sent to Azkaban and after that my mother just stopped responding, she still ate and slept but that’s about all she ever did now, so when I got back to school, I was a complete mess I got a reputation as a loner. No one wanted to be me anymore; it was no longer 'cool' to be a death eater or related to one. But no matter how depressed I felt I could always count on Potter to do something stupid, something that I could laugh at which always got me out of my rut. Don't get me wrong it's not like I liked him or anything he just became a little more bearable so when I first realised that he was the one thing that could keep me from jumping off the astronomy tower I decided that I would be a little less cruel to him this year. So you could imagine my surprise when rolled over to see him sprawled across another bed not 20 feet away. Before I had only thought him an anchor, as my constant, but after he announced to the wizarding world that he was gay, I started to admire him so when I saw him just lying there the first thing I did was freeze. My mind went totally blank, except that it wasn't there was a thousand things running through my brain. Should I leave him there or wake him up and if so how would I act towards him the same git as always or would I actually be civil this time. The decision made itself when Harry's arm suddenly flew out from where it rested on his pillow and the glass of water on his bedside table was thrown across the room to smash against the wall. Harry startled awake grabbing his wand from under his pillow and looking around for the source of the noise that woke him. I lay on my bed hoping that his eyes would just pass right by me. I've never had much luck when it comes to Harry, so I knew that as soon as he glanced at me he would know who I was. And when he finally did he too froze the same way I did. Like a deer caught in headlights.

A/N Again this is only my first fan fiction so please comment on what you do or don’t like. Also if I’ve spelled anything wrong please tell me. I will try to update ASAP but seeing I constantly mind blank so updates might be few. If you do read this thank you very much!! =)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2012 ⏰

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