Chapter 4

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Natsu groaned at the sound of his alarm clock. He buried his face in the pillow as his arm aimlessly searched for the beeping devil.

Once he felt the hard object with buttons, he slammed his fist on it, shutting it off completely.

Natsu slowly looked up, groaning at the contact with the sun. He blinked a couple times before his vision adjusted and looked around the room.

He sat up and stayed completely still, scanning the room for no reason.

After a while, he sighed and stood up from bed. He stretched his limbs, feeling and hearing a satisfying 'pop' as he made his way downstairs.

He slowly made his way to the kitchen, yawing as he took out the cereal and milk.

He filled his bowl with 'Froot Loops' and poured in the dairy. Afterwards, Natsu grabbed the TV remote and watched cartoons.
After filling his stomach, he walked to school with his arms behind his head, looking at the sky with bliss.

He remembered how Lucy would look at the sky in awe. How her eyes would shine with amazement and glitter in delight. How she wou-

Natsu's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a great force causing him and whatever he bumped into to fall down.

"Ow..." He groaned. "Uh...Watch where you're going ya dummy!" He heard someone say.

Natsu grit his teeth, he was going to give this jerk a piece of his mind, but when he looked up, he froze.

His eyes widened as his breath hitched. His eyes watered immediately as tears threatened to fall but he quickly blinked them away.

There infront of him...was a beautiful blonde goddess, with chocolate brown eyes, smooth creamy porcelain skin, a curvaceous body, and golden blonde hair.

She was wearing tight black leather pants that showed her curves perfectly, black high heeled combat boots, and a black crop top with a zipper that showed her flat stomach.

A black ripped leather jacket that symbolized that 'badass' look, a gray beanie that covered the top of her straight golden blonde hair, and to top it all off a pair of sunglasses above her eyes.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Lucy, his Lucy was there right infront of him, in all her glory.

"L-Lucy?" The girl looked at him confused. "Heh?"

He rushed over to her and trapped her in a big hug. "Lucy!!!!!" He cried with tears of joy.

The next thing Natsu knew, he was quickly met with a knee to his stomach causing him to let her go and fall back on the ground on his rear.

"What the hell do you thing you're doing weirdo!? How dare you touch me!?" Lucy growled while Natsu sat on the ground dumbfounded.

'What...what just happened?'

She picked him up by the collar and glared at him. "And how the hell do you know my name pinky?" She growled. Natsu shivered, his Nat side coming up.

"I-I'm just look like a friend of mine...her name is Lucy Heartfilia..." Her eyes widened at the sound of her name. She dropped the poor boy and leaned close to his face, causing him to blush.

"Hmm...I don't think I know you...My name is Lucy Heartfilia but I didn't like my last name so I changed it to Ashley...No one should know my real last name..." She glared at him causing Natsu to shiver.

He looked at her in disbelief. "She doesn't remember me...." He whispered. "What'cha say?"

Natsu's eyes swelled up with tears. "You don't remember me..." He whimpered, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks. Lucy's eyes widened.

"H-Hey don't cry ya big baby!!! Be a man and suck it up." She boomed. Natsu sniffled and wiped his tears.

"S-Sorry... I'm not myself at the moment.." Lucy looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Uh huh...? Well I gotta get going. See ya later pinky." She started walking away before Natsu grabbed her wrist.

"W-Wait!!! Where are you going?" Lucy looked at him with a serious look. "To Fairy tail high? Why? Ya gonna stalk me or somethin'?" Natsu blushed.

"N-No!!! I was just gonna say that...I go to that school too and I was wondering if you'd like to walk with me?"

Lucy stared at him before replying with a smile.
"No thanks. Now see ya later." She was about to walk off when Natsu held onto her arm.

"Please!!!" "Ugh! Let go ya weirdo!!!" "No!!! Not until you let me walk with you!!!" "No!!! Now get off me!!" She tried to shrug him off but it didn't work, quickly her patience was running out.

" better let go...before I snap and beat the hell out of you..." She said darkly. Natsu gulped but stood his ground, an evil smirk made its way up her face.

"Okay... I'll give you the count of"

Natsu didn't move.


Natsu loosened his grip.

"...Three!!!" Lucy quickly grabbed his arm causing Natsu to yelp and slung it forward making him do a front flip and land hard on his back on the sidewalk.

She flipped him on his stomach and pulled his right arm painfully behind his back while she kept him still with her foot behind his neck.

Natsu groaned in pain. "I warned ya pinky, but no you didn't listen. Now I'm about to let you go, but I swear if you follow me, you'll be punished." And with that Lucy roughly threw his arm on the floor and walked away.

Natsu slowly got up, dirt all over his clothes as his back felt immense pain. He hissed when he moved his right arm. 'Damn that hurts'.

"No matter what I still love you!!!" He yelled loud enough for Lucy to hear which caused her to stop in her tracks. She slowly turned around and looked at Natsu with a dangerous vibe.

She raced right back and picked him up by his shirt collar.

"The hell did you just say!?" Natsu smirked, his normal personality showing.

"I still love you, no matter how much you hurt me." He grinned. Lucy's eye twitched as she kneed him in the stomach once more, causing Natsu to gasp and collapse on the floor, holding his stomach in pain.

Lucy stepped on his head. "You don't even know me!! Hell I barely know you so how could you love someone you barely met!?" She screeched.

Natsu slowly looked up, with Lucy's boot still on his head. "Because like I don't remember me but I certainly remember you...and even though your personality changed, I still love you no matter what." He blushed while smiling.

Lucy's eyes widened while a small pink tint dusted her cheeks. She puffed out her cheeks and looked away, removing her boot from his head.

"Shut it pinky. I don't even know your name so don't go saying you love me when I clearly don't remember you. And how do I know you're not lying? You could just be saying that."

Natsu stood up and looked at her straight in the eye. "Your favorite color is pink. You play the piano and many other instruments. Your family is a rich company called the Heartfilia Konzern. You're favorite movie is 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. You love stars and horoscopes. Your family is gone and you are 18 years old."

Lucy stared at him with wide eyes. 'H-How did he know? She glared at him.

"Either you do know me or you're seriously a creepy stalker."

Natsu chuckled. "If I were a stalker, wouldn't I have kidnapped you or something?" She thought for a moment before nodding.

"True." She looked at him with a pokerface. "Come on pinky we're gonna be late for school." Natsu's eyes sparkled in amazement and grinned cheekily. He quickly rushed to her side and walked happily.
After that... interesting meeting...they finally were able to walk to school.

My Lucy? (NaLu Fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now