Episode 19

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Episode 19
The episode start with SwaSan were kissing... just then someone knock on door... Sanskar didn't leave Swara and keep kissing her... there was knock again... Sanskar get irritated and broke the kiss... Swara giggle and Sanskar said
Sanskar:who's this
servant: sir bf
Sanskar: come in
2 servants came and set bf on table... Sanskar ask them to leave... after servants left... Sanskar hold Swara's hand and make her sit... Swara said
Swara:Sanskar u sit I'll serve
Sanskar:no I'll serve today
Sanskar serve bf and sat down beside Swara... both had bf and then Sanskar left for office...
Swara came down and sat in hall... she was reading magazine when suddenly phone start ringing... kavita was about to pick but Swara pick it and said
Other person:hi Swara
Swara:hey rago h r u
Ragini:fine and u
Swara:me also

Ragini:off course u'll be fine after all jiju is there for u right
Swara:hahaha Ragini stop it ok
Ragini:hahaha ok
Swara:well how come u called me
Ragini:why can't I call u
Swara:yes u can but still asking like that
Ragini:well I'm going for shopping I mean wedding shopping so I thought if u can come along
Swara:umm I'll ask Sanskar then I'll say
Swara:ok bye
Swara came in room after cutting call and took some rest as per Sanskar's instructions...

In Afternoon
Sanskar came home for lunch... Swara was slept... Sanskar ask servant and he said
servant: sir mam is resting in room
Sanskar:ok make lunch ready and then inform us ok
servant: ok
kavth saw Sanskar and kavya said
kavya:we should do something to gain Sanskar's attention... on the other side... Sanskar came in room and saw Swara sleeping hugging a pillow... Sanskar smile and came toward Swara... Sanskar kiss on her forehead and left to fresh n up... Sanskar came out and sat beside sleeping Swara... Sanskar stare Swara lovingly and thought...
Sanskar in mind:I don't know what have I done that I got u I feel so lucky I wish we stay like this always I'm so sorry Swara for all what I did with u I don't know why I couldn't see ur goodness and kindness ur care and love how come u love me this much Swara I don't know if u really love me after whatever I did with u I don't understand if its ur love or just to make me feel good u r so nice with me I'm so afraid Swara what if u reject me after knowing everything what if u also thought that I'm a criminal what if u left me like everyone else no no I won't I'm afraid to confess I don't want to ruin our relationship if without saying we can stay like this always then I don't want to confess how much I love u I don't want to confess that u have become my life my breath my everything I just want to stay with u
Swara turn in sleep and her hand hit the clock... the clock fall down on floor and Swara woke up... Swara get up with jerk and saw clock on floor... Sanskar put his hand on Swara's shoulder and said

Sanskar:its ok
Swara turn hearing Sanskar's voice... Swara said
Swara:u when did u came and why didn't u wake me up
Sanskar:wait wait wait baby so many questions at once well I came 30 min before and u were sleeping so peacefully that my heart didn't let me wake u up
Swara smile and Sanskar said
Sanskar:come on now as u r up let's have lunch
Swara:u go I'll come
Swara:I'll go and get fresh
Sanskar:ok come fast
Swara left to get fresh and Sanskar come down... kavth saw Sanskar and signal something to each other... Sanskar sat on sofa and took his phone... kavita came and said

kavita:hey Sanskar saying this kavita sit beside him and Sanskar said
kavita:actually some of my frds r coming today why don't u stay and meet them
Sanskar:if ur frds r coming its fine u can call them in MY HOME but I don't have so much time to WASTE on U and ur FRDS
Sanskar get up and walk toward dinning table... he sat down and ask servants to set table for lunch... everyone sat and Swara also came... everyone start having lunch... Swara said
Sanskar:yeah jaan
Swara smile and kavth fame in jealous... Swara said
Swara:actually Ragini called in morning and ask me to come with her for shopping so can I go
Sanskar smile and said
Sanskar:off course u don't need to ask jaan in fact when u want to go I'll drop u
Swara:after lunch
Sanskar:ok u get ready after lunch I'll take u
Swara smile and nod

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