Chapter 3

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  "You're late." My father says to me as I walk through the door.

"I'm sorry Dad, but giving my statement took longer than we thought it would."

"Don't make this a habit." He turns sharply, moving back upstairs and towards his office.

"I don't count on it," I mumble to myself. Looking at the numbers on my arm, I quietly race to my room, climbing the stairs two-at-a-time. When I reach my room, I snatch my phone off of my bed, unlocking it and typing in the numbers. I quickly send Faith a text. "Hey, it's Leo." I don't expect a reply right away, so I start cleaning my room. I throw my dirty clothes in the hamper, put all of the trash in my trash can, and make my bed.

"Hey Leo, you texted me earlier than I thought you would." Faith took almost thirty minutes to reply.

"What do you mean? I told you I would text you when I got home." I throw my phone back onto my bed, waiting to hear the ping which would notify me of a new message. I quickly pick the phone back up and send Faith another message. Would you be willing to walk around with me later?

My phone beeps a few seconds after. "That sounds okay, as long as you come over for dinner at my house."

I smile as I reply. "That doesn't sound too bad. What's for dinner?"

I slide my phone into my pocket and go downstairs to my father's office. Knocking before opening, I slowly open the door. "Dad?"

"You know not to disturb me while I'm working boy. What?" He stands quickly from his desk chair, glaring at me.

"I was just going to let you know that I'm going out with a friend, so you won't have to worry about dinner for me."

"Don't get into any trouble, and come home before midnight." He sharply turns and sits back down at his desk, continuing his work. I pull my phone out of my pocket as it pings, reading the newest text message from Faith.

"How does pork roast sound for you?"

"Perfect, I'll be outside my house in a few minutes." I quickly slip on my shoes and run out the door. Sitting on the front porch, I wait for Faith to arrive. The warm, evening air greets me, ruffling the leaves in the trees in the yard. I look up to see Faith riding her bicycle toward my house. I stand up quickly, greeting her.

"Faith! You got here faster than I thought. Just like my text earlier, right?" I smirk.

"That's a great analogy, does this mean that you're good in English class?" She asks, hopping off of her bike.

"I've never actually done well in school. When I was little I was diagnosed with ADHD, which makes it harder to learn and focus."

"Do you take medicine to help?"

"No, I try my best to focus. It doesn't always work, but when it does I do really well in school. How well do you do in school?" I ask as we begin to walk to Faith's house.

"I was a straight A student at my old school, so I guess you could say I was relatively good at school."

"I'll bet that you were in the top ten percent at your old school. You're a senior as well, right?"

"I was actually number fifteen before I left, but I don't know how I rank in comparison to everyone here. And yes, I am currently a senior in high school here."

"Fifteen? That's awesome! What made you come here?"

"My dad's active duty, so I never stay in one place for very long. Have you lived here for long?"

The Misunderstanding of Leo [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now