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I got a candle for Christmas and I used almost all of it XD it smells so good though

I got a candle for Christmas and I used almost all of it XD it smells so good though

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And I love fire

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And I love fire. I set some things on fire.

 But anyways I got some wax and put it on my finger

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But anyways I got some wax and put it on my finger

 But anyways I got some wax and put it on my finger

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So I basically killed my rose but I don't give a Shit

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So I basically killed my rose but I don't give a Shit. Then I put wax in this old cup. Then I cut it. And I put wax in it.

So it overflowed and this happened.

So it overflowed and this happened

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So I took some artistic photos and shit

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So I took some artistic photos and shit

Don't mind the Shit that's on the floor

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Don't mind the Shit that's on the floor.

And that's basically it k bye

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