ⓟart 1: The Infamous Ethan Blake

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Happy New Years!!!! My New Year Resolution is to be fully committed to this story!!

Ethan Blake will be playing as Stephen James cause HELLO!!!! He screams BAD BOY!

Anywhoreeeee... lets continue..~>


Previously on Nerd Threats The Bad Boy...

"Leave him alone," barely a whisper

"What did you say?" and he lets go of the kid and basically running off. "Stop being such a meany."

He laughed and said, "Alright cutey pie." He started walking but I'm not leaving him without a warning.

"If you bully someone again, I'll beat you up." He stopped waking and turned around stalking towards me. "Did you just threatened me?"


Cameron's POV:

Holy sh*t

I am so screwed

"Ummmm," I nervously said but I have to stand my guard," You need to leave him alone."

He looks shock. Like literally. His eyes and mouth is open as if a small guy like me can threaten someone who is taller than me.

All of a sudden, he said with a bold voice,"Do you know who I am?"

No, not really but I didn't want to ruin his ego, so I said," Yeah, you're the one who was in the fight earlier."

"What's my name then?" Holy sh*t! He'll know that I am lying and he'll beat me up.

Mom, I love you.

Don't look under my bed because I stashed some explicit things.

Heaven, here I come....

"Uhhh, that's not really important." I played it cool. I think?

"Okay, well then incase you don't know, I am the infamous Ethan Blake. I'm the one who pushes little nerds into the lockers, I'm the one who sleeps with every girl in this school, the one who skips class, and spends time under the bleachers, smoking weed. Do you know what you're up against." He said that with a brace voice to present himself to me.

I should be scared and I really need to go home. But one thing really bugs me.

So, I walked up to his side, and said inside his ears,"If you really push nerds inside the lockers, how come you never push me into one?"

After that, I just walked away with my chin up high and never dared to look back. God the feeling of the adrenaline is so good.

I wish there was someone there to high five me on the side for that amazing comeback. I need friends.


After walking to my house and finally getting there, I dropped my bag by the door and went to the couch to take a nap.

Turns out that I just landed on my mother sleeping.

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