chapter 1

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y/n P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm blaring chris brown ft tyga like a virgin again

y/n mother: y/n hunny get up ... its not summer anymore

y/n: ok ...... (lays back down)

y/n mother: ik you layed back down .. get up you forgot I was a teenager once

y/n: (gets up) yeah like 50 million years ago

y/n mother: I heard that but since this your first day of school im just gonna play nice momma and give you your car

y/n: car !! (opens door)

y/n mother: yes (hands keys)

y/n: ok I have to get dress (closes door)

y/n does her hygiene thing and comes out wearing a black half shirt that looks like a tank top and black leggings and the breds 11's

soonas y/n get done she gets a text message from cymphonique chersantos and Jacob

cymphonique: drive me to school girl ?

y/n: yeah

text ended

chersantos: say beautiful wanna give daddy a ride to school?

y/n: (imma mess with his head) ok daddy !

text ended for now

Jacob: mami I need a ride to school !

y/n: omw papi

text ended

so y/n drove to everyone house and she got chersantos then Jacob and then cymphonique

y/n: and you guys couldn't drive your own cars to school ?

chersantos: cause daddy coming by you after school

Jacob: papi coming to (winks at her)

(y/n blushes)

cymphonique: im coming to ....

Jacob get a message from the rest of the boys saying they need a ride

Jacob: ummm y/n you need to turn around and go get Craig and Rayan

y/n: (sighs) do I look like a taxi cab (turns around)

Jacob: they together so that means yu don't have to make 2 stops

y/n: (flips him off)

Jacob: whenever you ready

chersantos: so y/n what classes you have ?

y/n: ion know we haven't made it to school yet why daddy worried  bout being alone?

chersantos: you could say that

y/n: (laughing) yellow fahget ..

Jacob :please don't start

chersantos: wont be calling me a fahget after I give you the zilla (mumbles)

y/n: (heard him) chersantos I heard you (hits his arm)

chersantos: at least its true ! (laugh)

y/n: mhm ! (pulls up infront in Craig house)

Craig : hey guys FOODBUDDY!


craig: got candy?

y/n: just for you (hand him starburst)

they arrive at school and they all have the same classes but skipping to lunch cause ion lke talking bout school work

y/n: yall know what I just found out

everybody except chersantos: what

y/n: chersantos cant cook !

craig: lies that boy could cook

y/n: well then why he brunt brownies and cookies

Jacob: where you bent over 90 % of the time?

y/n: just putting things in the oven

Jacob: then its settled chersantos is a pervert

(everyone burst into laughter)

why me? ( a princeton love story)(mindless behavior)Where stories live. Discover now