2. New house

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"Sweetie are you done packing" Mum asked
This is the beginning of my beautiful adventure. Me parting away from all my childehood and any memories of my dad. God i miss him so much. Sadly he died when i was only 5 in a car accident. Since then me and my mum have been really distant and when i finally made a friend...WHAM she s making me move across country. I m gonna miss Carolyn sooo much after all those years someone noticed me and she was the only one that didn't call me a nerd but now I have to move away. ITS NOT FAIR!. Now time to suffer if all that again.
"Sweetie the taxi is here" Mum said
"Ok mum give me a minute to say my goodbyes."
"Megan, make it quick though" she warned
After what seemed like hours of just thinking about all the happy memories, a honk broke my train of thought. Well thats it, a new adventure awaits.
3 hours later we finally made it to the airport woohooo 12 hours to go. Note the sarcasm. We finally got on the plane and luckily mum was sat far far away from me. No offence I love her but if she sat next to me for 12 hours I ll go insane. I got to sit next to a hottie which according to our conversation is called Mason. He has this chilled kind of vibe but oh well. 12 hours and his ll be gone. I ll never see him ever again.
For most of the ride I slep but when I woke up half an hour before we reached our destination. I put my headphones on and blasted music through them. One thing I love is rock music. Is just the best thing ever. Finally we reached our destination feeling so scared for tomorrow. The feeling overtook me.


"Megan whats up" Mum asked concerned. "Come on cheer up. New home, new school AND NEW FRIENDS!" She said excitedly "It will be fun you can't be a loner forever." She said
"MOM!" I scream "Im  not a loner people just don't take me for me" I said simply and walked to the Taxi waiting for us. 
After we reached our house we realised there s and ice cream stand on the corner so we had ice cream.
We went to our house and it was massive and so beautiful. The bedrooms are massive too like a kings suppose to live there or something. After exploring the house and unpacking, me and mum watched a movie then it was time to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. First day of school.


What will happen to Megan on her first day of school??? Will she make any friends?? Will she be a loner forever??

Keep on reading to find out.

Peace out...

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