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Simon POV

Let me give you a run down on Ethan and Harry

They have a lot of differences

But they are still the best of friends

They were all apart of our friend gang

Until they were both expelled for vandalism

Harry mostly stays with me and on my side

Ethan mostly stays with Jj and on his side

So I wonder what will happen

When they figured out that we split up

It was deep in my thoughts until I got a message

But not only me everyone did

From JJ
Let me tell you about Mr.Wierdo Simon Minter I would stay away from him he killed his own parents and got away with it I would report him too

Everyone gasped then looked at me

Then everyone started calling the police

This has to be the worst day ever

Now I'm definitely killing Jj

And no one can stop me

Enemies To Lovers//KSimon FFWhere stories live. Discover now