A young man was deep asleep in his tiny messy room. Clothes all over the place, a notebook on the table and the boy sleeps almost drooling. He has short dark hair and is wearing a white shirt and shorts. His blanket is on the floor, and he's hugging the pillow. Suddenly a heavy metal song plays out of the cell phone under the bed and he falls off of it, "BLAM!"
- OW! OW! SHIT! - he screams in pain - Damn alarm...
He picks up the phone and turns of the alarm. Then he looks around the room, bored. With the phone in his hand, he goes back to bed, grabs the blanket lays down and looks to the ceiling. "Why do I have to wake up?", he thinks, "Oh, right, life..."
He gets up, hits the table and curses, then goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a bath. Then he goes off to work.
Now wearing a Social White Shirt, dark jeans and boots, he is mopping the floor of a barber shop. An old man with long gray hair, glasses, and the same outfit, except for the social Shoes, is reading the newspaper while sitting on the couch. When finished mopping the floor the boy sits by his side.
- You done? - the old man asks.
- Yes sir. - he replies taking his phone off the pocket and starts typing.
- That stuff eats your Braun kid. - the old man talks pointing to his phone.
- That's fine.
The day goes on, they both cut some hair, and the boy constantly on the phone as the day passes and comes the night, then he goes home. No one else in there, he looks around and thinks: "Did I forget something?", realizing that probably not, he goes in the house through a heavy door. Its a big empty house, his room is the smallest room of three, he doesnt even goes close to the other ones, too much space to care about, that's his logic. He goes to a messy computer room with lots of stuff, cards, DVDs, toys, joysticks, candy wraps, all over the place, he turns on the PC and tunes into some random series on Netflix he has already watched countless times before, sits on the couch and grabs his phone, that's the first time the whole day he smiles, even though its just a little one, practically a "smirk", the phone screen has some random funny picture followed by the message "That's me!"
"Us!" He replies "hahahah"
"Hey there, you okay?" - the boy sends.
"Eh, you know, pretty much all the same." - the person on the other Side of the screen replies - "What about you?"
"I'm fine." - he says so, but he's not. He's never fine. - "Did you watch the Doctor Who Special?!"
"OH! SHIT, NOT YET, NO SPOILERS!" - the person on the other Side replies
"HAHAHAH! Don't worry, you know I don't do that :v" - he types - "Hows School?"
"Ugh, sucks as usual, I hate that place." - is the response.
"I know, but it'll be over, you'll make it!" - he tries to motivate his friend, even though he knows its an impossible ordeal.
"Sorry, gtg, bye" - his friend says
"Oh, OK! Stay safe, byee" - he replies, then puts the phone down and goes back to the PC screen. "Ugh... Boring..." He thinks, then changes to some other random show.
After some hours he's crying on his pillow, hugging it like there's no tomorrow. Then the phone lights up, he tries to stop crying a little bit, to get the phone.
"Hey, I'm back, are you OK? I saw that post and..." - his friend sent a message.
"Its the same shit as usual..." - he replies, crying a little less.
"Yeah... I know... But you'll be okay man, you'll be fine." - of course, his friend can't know that for sure, but they each want to believe that the other is going to be okay. So his friend insists for a few hours, until he can finally sleep, after crying and letting out lots of feelings.
The day starts all over again, all the same. Then he is talking to his friend again.
"Yeah, I mean, I can't do much, I know that... But you didn't give up on me when I was down low..." - He says - "We can't solve each others problems, I am Well aware, but... neither of us has to go through it alone. We're on this together, never forget that, OK?"
"Okay, thanks" - his friend replied.
"You don't need to thank me, Just stay safe."

Stay Safe
Short StoryMy first short story, about two friends who only know each other through Screens.